BLM Supporting Gun Control Activist Arrested for Attempted Murder of Louisville Mayoral Candidate
“pleaded not guilty to one charge of attempted murder and four counts of wanton endangerment in his first court appearance Tuesday”

A Black Lives Matter supporter and gun control activist named Quintez Brown was arrested this week for the attempted shooting of a candidate running for mayor of Louisville.
Brown has been running for a seat on the Louisville Metro Council.
WDRB News reports:
Local activist arrested for attempted shooting of Louisville mayoral candidate
A local activist and columnist has been arrested in connection with firing a shot directly at a Louisville mayoral candidate.
On Monday night, Louisville Metro Police announced Quintez Brown, 21, was arrested and charged with attempted murder after he allegedly fired shots into Craig Greenberg’s campaign office on Monday morning. He is also facing four counts of first-degree wanton endangerment.
Police responded to the report of shots fired Monday morning at the Butchertown Market at 1201 Story Avenue, where Greenberg’s campaign has an office.
Greenberg was not hit by a bullet, but a round hit his clothing, according to Louisville Metro Police Chief Erika Shields.
According to an arrest citation, Brown fired several gunshots with a 9-millimeter Glock handgun toward Greenberg.
The Courier Journal, where Brown was a columnist at one point, has more:
Brown, 21, pleaded not guilty to one charge of attempted murder and four counts of wanton endangerment in his first court appearance Tuesday.
Greenberg, a Democrat frontrunner for mayor, said Monday that a man entered his office in Butchertown Market and fired several shots at him, with one bullet grazing the back of his sweater.
A police report says a man later identified as Brown entered the building about 10:15 a.m. and fired a 9mm Glock handgun at Greenberg before fleeing.
Officers found Brown less than half a mile from the campaign headquarters about 10 minutes later, carrying a loaded 9mm magazine in his pants pocket, according to the arrest report.
He also had a drawstring bag with a handgun, handgun case and additional magazines, the report said.
Here’s a local video report from WLKY News:
Brown attended the progressive gun control event ‘March for Our Lives’ in 2018. During the coverage, he was interviewed by MSNBC’s Joy Reid. This is cued to start at the 3:15 mark:
Quintez is apparently a socialist as well:
Craig Greenberg, a Jewish Democrat running for mayor of Louisville, KY, was shot Monday. Arrested for his attempted murder is a 21-yr-old "racial justice" protester who calls for "the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism.”
— Jeff Jacoby (@Jeff_Jacoby) February 15, 2022
Craig Greenberg described the events during a presser:
Louisville Mayoral Candidate Craig Greenberg was left "shaken up" after a gunman aimed a gun at him, attempting to shoot him at his campaign headquarters on Monday.
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) February 15, 2022
I suspect we won’t be hearing much more about Quintez Brown from the media. This story doesn’t fit the preferred narrative at all.
Featured image via YouTube.

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He will get a slap on the wrist
Aaaaaaaaaaand… he’s gone.
He will get two days added to his probation.
A Dem supporter tried to assassinate a Dem politician.
Sort of made my day. Not that I approve. But sometimes what goes around comes around.
Everywhere Marxists and commies seize total power they cull the highest levels in their own herd fairly quickly. And then work their way down.
The problem is none of the above are marxists/communists, they are authoritarian but they include corporate America, American finance, the universities etc.
As far as capitalism goes they are if anything better capitalists than we are. We don’t even agree to free trade, we sign fewer trade deals and torpedo things like TPP.
To specify I was talking about the mayoral candidate, and the Democratic Party not the BLM hitman.
“none of the above are marxists/communists”
Sez you.
I missed your response (damn, I wish we could edit posts.)
But trust me, plenty of politicians in the D party are Marxists/communists. They even have their own caucus, it’s not like they try to hide it.
But Allen West was ridiculed for daring to say so. (My local congresscritter is in it, though if the redistricting is upheld my new district is currently held by a Republican — but she won’t win on the new boundaries.)
Sorry I missed the extra response to.
The idea that there are sooooo many Democratic Communists was tested by Comrade Bernie Sanders. Who did the Democrats send to the general election in an overwhelming landslide?
Bernie Sanders by the way pretends he isn’t a communist, if he was open about what he is he wouldn’t even be sent back into office by Vermont Democrats (which is why he pretends he isn’t communist and instead claims “Democratic Socialism”).
The desire to refight the cold war/be fighting communism is because so many Republicans like you have convinced themselves only government could be a power center that has to be restrained, it has nothing to do with reality which is that Democrats are at least as if not more capitalist as we are.
To throw it back in your face was it Obama or Trump who gathered dozens of major nations together for a free trade agreement?
“To specify I was talking about the mayoral candidate, and the Democratic Party not the BLM hitman.”
Please learn first grade literacy before refuting more claims nobody is making.
Provide proof the mayoral candidate or Democratic Party are communists (you have none and I have a great deal of proof they aren’t).
An anti-gun activist using a gun to commit a felony. Typical.
Brings to mind thrice-divorced marriage counselors, and back in the 1950s, doctors telling people not to smoke, yet had nicotine-stained fingers.
I’ve been in the anti-gun control fight for 45 years and can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard liberals admit (in the media and in person) that they “wouldn’t trust themselves with a gun.” This appears to be a major motivating force behind their anti-gun sentiments (at the grass-roots level). These people really are afraid of their fellow citizens with guns because they imagine everyone (including all gun owners) are like themselves – immature/mentally sub-adult with impulse and anger control problems.
This is also why they jumped on the MSM narrative concerning Kyle Rittenhouse as someone who showed up in Kenosha with bad intent and a gun, and “just started mowing people down.” They can imagine themselves behaving exactly in this manner, and so imagine that must be how everyone with a gun in a volatile situation would act. The media reports must be accurate because they comport with their own estimation of how they’d behave in a similar situation.
Isn’t the reality that the US has a gun violence problem even when compared to other nations with lots of guns. The question is what can be done to resolve the problem.
Gun violence in the US is largely speaking confined to two dozen or so zip codes located in blue metros and blue States. The presence of firearms isn’t the real problem. The actual problems are foolish public policies that encourage criminal behavior by decreasing accountability for that behavior.
The more recent corollary which reinforces this is the lack of emphasis for individual responsibility by denying agency and replacing freewill with fatalism determined by skin color; CRT/Equity.
“Gun violence in the US is largely speaking confined to two dozen or so zip codes located in blue metros and blue States.”
Based on the number of gun deaths per capita in 2019 alone, states with the most gun violence are:
Alaska – 24.4
Mississippi – 24.2
Wyoming – 22.3
New Mexico 22.3
Alabama – 22.2
Louisiana – 22.1
Missouri – 20.6
South Carolina – 19.9
Arkansas – 19.3
Montana – 19.3
“The actual problems are foolish public policies that encourage criminal behavior by decreasing accountability for that behavior.”
What policies are you thinking of?
You are (intentionally?) conflating gun deaths and gun violence. I’d be willing to bet that most of the gun deaths in (say) Alaska are accidental (hunting, etc.), suicide, self-defense, law enforcement-related, or specific (related to adultery or other revenge, meaning the threat to the public at large is all but nonexistent). Gun violence, i.e. persons willfully shooting others to death, is pretty much relegated to urban areas (and creeping into the suburbs).
Actual gun violence (not gun deaths due to other reasons) is mostly associated with gangs, but that, too, is changing as criminality increases in these Dem-run cities (that also have the strictest gun restrictions in place, go figure) and few repercussions. In any case, more people die in car crashes than by guns, even including these areas where Democrats ensure that only criminals have guns and normal citizens are just fish in a barrel.
The US has a violence problem, not a “gun violence” problem. Guns and their availability are irrelevant; USAns are more violent, on average, than people in most Western countries. And this has been the case for more than 200 years, so nothing anyone can propose is going to fix it.
The biggest factor in this difference, though, is demographics. If you compare the violent crime rate (or even, if you insist, the “gun” violent crime rate) for each demographic in different countries, the USA does not come out ahead. The US comes out ahead only because our mix is different, and is constantly changing.
You make an excellent point about the cultural differences between the US population and that of other western nations. We have, generally speaking, a greater willingness to use violence to solve or settle issues. Whether it’s a simple bar fight or it escalates.
We don’t quite fight ‘at the drop of a hat’ but we have had several different iterations of immigrants who brought elements of honor culture with them. These waves reinforced the existing cultural attitudes and refreshed it. Americans are truly different culturally from other Nations in that respect.
CommoChief, when you compare people in the USA to those of the same demographic in other western countries, the differences usually disappear. People of any given kind are usually the same in the USA as in comparable countries. The reason the USA has always had a higher rate of violence than comparable countries is because in this one way they are not comparable — their demographic mix is different. It’s not PC to say so, but it’s a fact.
The same is true within the USA, when comparing different states. For instance the Dems often tout better educational outcomes in states they control than in states where Republicans run things, and attribute it to their insane spending levels. I’m specifically thinking of a comparison I saw years ago between Wisconsin and Texas. But if you look at individual demographics you find that for each and every one Texas actually does better than Wisconsin. The reason Texas’s overall performance is worse than Wisconsin’s is entirely due to the different demographic mix.
@Milhouse … and don’t think the gun-grabbers don’t exploit that.
Arthur Kellerman of Emory U, the charlatan famous for the “43 times more likely to shoot someone you love” fraud, did a contemporaneous paper on the differences in gun violence between Seattle and Vancouver, two close-by urban centers “with the same levels of minority population,” presumably differing only in gun laws. He had his head handed to him when numerous scholars pointed out that Seattle’s minority was black, while Vancouver’s was Asian.
Yes, I remember that one. Wasn’t it published in JAMA or something like that? Did wonders for the publication’s credibility. I also vaguely remember the CDC being involved in that study or one like it, which led to its being banned from engaging in gun research.
Gosh, I wonder who’s down-voting you for merely stating documented facts.
Why would you compare different demographics with respect to violence? That’s contradictory to your earlier statement about the US having a violence problem?
With respect if you have a violent population that’s not a great argument for limited gun control laws is it. Guns absolutely make killing people a lo easier. Which is why the UK for example which has practically no guns does really well (that and a relatively good police force).
“USAns are more violent, on average, than people in most Western countries”
With respect that is an absolute cop out. There are plenty of issues in the US that could make a start with respect to changing those numbers like for example sensible gun control laws (no I’m not advocating taking away your guns) merely sensible laws like no nutters having them, a limit on the type, adequate training, an age limit.
“The reason the USA has always had a higher rate of violence than comparable countries is because in this one way they are not comparable — their demographic mix is different. It’s not PC to say so, but it’s a fact.”
You seem to be implying that the violence is increased due to differences in demographics, as in there is an increase due to fighting between demographics have I understand that correctly?
I have to say that’s not very convincing. The disparity in figures is very significant.
Also with respect to the CDC and gun violence research that was due to lobbying from the NRA.
@Henry Bowman
“Arthur Kellerman of Emory U” You disparage him yet his research has been peer reviewed and no substantial criticism has actually been found.
As for your specific example between Vancouver and Seattle it was Dr Henry Sloan who did the comparison. I’m not clear why the color of the demographic would be a causal effect. I’m also not clear how many critics there were as far as I can tell it was only Dr Centerwall that provided contradictory evidence. And yes his research into the link between TV and an increase in violence has been discredited.
No, that in fact is NOT the reality. Do you just make stuff up?
Fatkins can be forgiven if he gets his facts from the obsessively dishonest mainstream news media.
Which fairly measures quality of life by counting ALL homicide deaths… not the phony subcategory of “gun deaths,” which the grabbers insist on using to pre-bias the results to favor them. It’s like ragging on Singapore because they have more rickshaw deaths than any other country in the world.
With respect that’s a rubbish map, it lumps huge numbers of countries together. in a single bracket. Basically it tells us nothing about the differences between comparable countries.
I linked in previous comment a more granular map
Sue the maker of Glock for ‘negligent marketing.’. That must mean they didn’t include a disclaimer saying not to murder anyone.
Didn’t shoot to kill or even hit. Wanted the headline that someone shot at a Democrat. Wasn’t supposed to get caught. Ruined the chance to speculate on what kind of evil person did this.
Why does that make sense? It shouldn’t but it does.
Because it is their MO. See: Hate hoaxes.
No. If he wasn’t shooting to hit, he did a poor job of it, since he grazed the guy’s clothing. More importantly, if he was merely setting this up for publicity he would have done it to a black candidate, preferably a black lesbian candidate. Also he wouldn’t have done it right in front of the guy’s face, where he couldn’t help but notice, and report to the police, that the gunman was black.
No, this wasn’t staged, he really meant to hit him.
“…he grazed the guy’s clothing”
Well, he was probably just a good shot and was shooting to graze.
Or such a bad shot that he nearly hit someone he was actually trying to miss.
“scientific socialism” – This fails slower than unscientific socialism? Leftists seem to never run out of ways to hide lies and failures.
No, this is old-fashioned socialism, which has always claimed to be scientific.
Scientific. Like Lysenkoism.
Correct. Even National Socialism claimed to be scientific in their claims of inferior races.
The whole point of “antisemitism”, as opposed to old-fashioned Jew-hate, was that it was supposedly based on the “science” of race, rather than the “superstition” of religion.
The Nazis were the ultimate in “scientific antisemites”. Christianity fostered Jew-hate for the better part of two millennia, but also kept it in check; the Nazis, having rejected Christianity, and rationalized Jew-hate on “modern, scientific” grounds with a spiffy new name, felt free to carry it out to its logical conclusion.
And a “unified Africa.” Has this “African-American” ever been to Africa? the biggest hinderance to a unified Africa is – Africans. Too many tribes and too many generational conflicts. Honestly, let’s get rid of the colonial national lines, and let the locals decide their nations and boundaries
None of that matters.
It turns out, the shooter was actually a crypto-MAGA!
Surprise surprise. When this shooting was first reported the gunman had not yet been identified, and while the reporting I saw didn’t openly suggest that it was white supremacists, it played up the fact that the victim is Jewish, which to me at least suggested that there was an unstated implication that the blame should fall on white supremacists, and on Republicans generally.
I commented on that story (on another site) that when Republican campaign offices are shot at it’s always a Democrat who did it, and i predicted that this shooter would also turn out to be a Democrat, a supporter of one of the victim’s rivals in the Democrat primary. So far it turns out the shooter is an independent candidate, not a Democrat, but definitely on the left, and it may yet turn out that he does support one of the Democrats in the primary.
My main man Milhouse is a bulldog.
At some point the democrats are going to have to come to terms with the war between blacks and other minorities.
Another surprise surprise. His family and the local BLM chapter are suddenly concerned with his “mental health”.
It ain’t sudden. The mook vanished for two weeks and got put on milk cartons. Finally, his family found him and asked for “privacy.” Or maybe he was just out gun shopping.
“…suddenly concerned with his mental health.”
Not suddenly concerned with his mental health—suddenly pulled the black mental health card.
And now a man charged with attempted murder is released to the community on bail. Not to a mental care facility mind you, free to wander the community.
“He’s innocent of attempted murder because he was mentally ill, but he got all better when we bailed him out.”
Apparently, Defiant L’s has been suspended on twitter for literally posting screenshots of other tweets from other accounts that aren’t even banned for the original content.
The offending tweet is thought to be one about this little african saint.
Apparently it was about blaspheming Saint Hillary,
Yeah, I saw that. Absolutely unbelievable. That account doesn’t post anything other than screenshots. But, they were incredibly good at it. So, they were othered.
Comments at Ace saying he is out on bail
His mother: “He is a good boy!”
Going to college in the fall.
At State Penitentiary U. Gonna major in Criminal Justice and English.
Yo, gun control be cool for Quintez cuz, he always know where he can get a gun at.
Gun dealer/drug dealer be same bro, bro.
Quintez? Where do they come up with these names? Scrabble?
Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter. One step forward, two steps backward.