Democrats/Media Deploy Same “Eliminationist Narrative” Against School Parents As They Did Against Tea Party

Merrick Garland disgracefully weaponized DOJ/FBI and national law enforcement against parents protesting Critical Race teaching and mask mandates. This pure political intimidation.The mainsteam media also is running with the false claim pushed by the National School Boards Association that the protests are the “equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.” In Rhode Island, the statewide school committee association is gathering information about protests and promising to coordinate with the FBI.We have seen this movie before. It’s the “eliminationist narrative” used against the Tea Party and Trump supporters. We covered the Tea Party false accusations at the time, where the media blamed every act of violence on Tea Party supporters even though such claims never had evidence and turned out to be false. Here’s what we previously documented:

I covered the media mistreatment of the Tea Party starting in 2009, and the same pattern took hold: An act or alleged act of violence immediately was blamed on Tea Party supporters in the absence of actual evidence that the alleged perpetrator was a Tea Party supporter, and in many cases where there was evidence the alleged perpetrator was liberal or leftist.It all was for the purpose of portraying Tea Party supporters specifically and the “right-wing” more generally as “eliminationist,” people who were prone to political violence:

It started with Bill Sparkman, the part-time Census worker who went missing and then was found dead, setting off an avalanche of mainstream media and left-blogosphere accusations that he was the victim of anti-government “right-wing” hate.  It turned out that Sparkman killed himself, but there were few if any apologies coming.The Sparkman accusations were based on nothing more than a desire to demonize the newly formed and rapidly growing Tea Party movement as terrorists and un-American.  It was as if they were hoping for an act of Tea Party violence.

The false eliminationist narrative directed at the Tea Party went on for years, aided and abetted by Democrat operative groups like Think Progress and by establishment Republicans who hated the Tea Party.

The prolonged — to this day — attempt to blame Sarah Palin for the shooting of Gabby Giffords by Jared Loughner was one of the worst examples, but just one of many that we covered.

In each of these cases, when the hoax or false narrative was exposed, the mainstream media no longer was around, they had moved on, leaving the false perception that Tea Party supporters were dangerous and violent.

Nothing has changed, other than the names and faces. The media still plays the role of creating false narratives that ordinary law-abiding Americans who oppose liberals are dangerous and prone to violence.

The same tactic was used against Trump supporters.

I could write the same story now. In fact, I will:

Nothing has changed, other than the names and faces. The media still plays the role of creating false narratives that ordinary law-abiding Americans who oppose liberals are dangerous and prone to violence.

[Featured Image: Parent Protesters at Westerly (RI) School Board Meeting, July 2021]

Tags: Critical Race Theory, DOJ, FBI, Merrick Garland, Tea Party