Insurrectionist Democrats Still Disputing Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation Three Years Later

National Democrats are desperate to turn attention away from their humanitarian crisis at—and the public health hazard surging across—our southern border, skyrocketing violent crime that predictably followed their demands to “Abolish” and “Defund” the police, the rising price of consumer goods from gasoline to food to school supplies, their divisive and destructive push to indoctrinate the entire nation via school/college or the workplace in CRT-rooted racism, the Biden administration strong-arming Big Tech to censor social media posts with which they disagree, and their war on secure elections.

None of this is popular with or being well-received by the American people.

Seeing the writing on the wall in the run-up to the 2022 midterms, Democrats are scrambling to find an issue, any issue, that will gin up their base and get them to the polls.

To that end, they are bitterly clinging to the events at the Capitol on January 6th as if the government were literally on the verge of collapse because a few hundred unarmed people traipsed into the Capitol building . . .  most of whom just took a few selfies and ambled back out again.  They apparently hope that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s ridiculous clown show “investigation” will rivet the nation and get their radical regressive base fired up.

But Democrats may not be very confident in that whole Reichstag angle because they are apparently going to dig up and flog the dead horse of the bogus allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.  They likely have fond memories of pink pussy hats and weirdos dressed like handmaids shrieking wildly and clawing their way through the doors while the hearings were taking place. They need that energy again from their base, so they are busily attempting to create outrage.

We covered the abysmal conduct of Democrats, their media cheerleaders, and their frontline activists from beginning to end. You can read our timeline of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings and review key events here.

The New York Times noted that some Democrat senators are outraged that “some of the 4,500 tips [the FBI] received about Justice Brett Kavanaugh were given to the Trump White House.” This fact alone leads these supposedly serious politicians to call the FBI investigations a “sham.”

In a letter dated June 30 to two Democratic senators, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Chris Coons of Delaware, an F.B.I. assistant director, Jill C. Tyson, said that the most “relevant” of the 4,500 tips the agency received during an investigation into Mr. Kavanaugh’s past were referred to White House lawyers in the Trump administration, whose handling of them remains unclear.The letter left uncertain whether the F.B.I. itself followed up on the most compelling leads. The agency was conducting a background check rather than a criminal investigation, meaning that “the authorities, policies, and procedures used to investigate criminal matters did not apply,” the letter said.Ms. Tyson’s letter was a response to a 2019 letter from Mr. Whitehouse and Mr. Coons to the F.B.I. director, Christopher A. Wray, posing questions about how the F.B.I.’s review of Mr. Kavanaugh was handled.In an interview, Mr. Whitehouse said the F.B.I.’s response showed that the F.B.I.’s handling of the accusations into misconduct by Mr. Kavanaugh was a sham. Ms. Tyson’s letter, Mr. Whitehouse said, suggested that the F.B.I. ran a “fake tip line that never got properly reviewed, that was presumably not even conducted in good faith.”

What Whitehouse—and the New York Times—leaves out of this clothes-rending indictment of the Trump administration and the FBI is that every single senator had access to a summary of all 4500 tips.

The National Review reports:

Mike Davis, who served as chief counsel for nominations on the Senate Judiciary Committee during the Kavanaugh hearings, tells National Review that there was a summary of all 4,500 tips in the FBI’s report, which was available to all 100 U.S. senators.“They printed out the entire tip-line summary,” says Davis. “Every senator had full access to read those things if they wanted to.”…“Every whack-job in the world called into that thing. That’s why there were 4,500 [tips],” says Davis. “Grassley’s team went through the entire tip-line. It was nonsense.” Davis worked under then-chairman Chuck Grassley on the committee and now runs the Article 3 Project, a conservative group that focuses on the judiciary.A Republican senator who reviewed the FBI’s report confirms Davis’s description of the tip-line summary. “There was nothing in there . . . nothing anywhere providing a shred of corroboration” of an existing allegation or a new allegation, the senator tells National Review.

There’s no there there. If there were, some intrepid Democrat senator’s aide would have spotted it and gleefully revealed it . . . during the hearings when it might have changed the outcome rather than three years later in a transparent bid to shift attention from the massive across-the-board failures of the Biden administration and in the face of lagging Democrat voter enthusiasm leading into next year’s midterms.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Brett Kavanaugh, Democrats, Trump Derangement Syndrome