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Twitter Permanently Suspends James O’Keefe for Alleged ‘Platform Manipulation and Spam’ [UPDATE: O’Keefe to sue Twitter for Defamation]

Twitter Permanently Suspends James O’Keefe for Alleged ‘Platform Manipulation and Spam’ [UPDATE: O’Keefe to sue Twitter for Defamation]

UPDATE: O’Keefe said he plans on suing Twitter.

Twitter permanently suspended Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe for allegedly violating its rules “on platform manipulation and spam.”

***UPDATE: O’Keefe said he plans on suing Twitter.

This is *totally* not suspicious at all since O’Keefe dropped three videos on CNN, which shed the network in a horrible light:

Twitter banned the Project Veritas account in February for breaking its “private information policy right after it posted a video of Facebook executives discussing censorship tools.

O’Keefe referenced the ban on the Sean Hannity show on Wednesday night. He noted that the CNN exposé became the second trending story on Twitter even without the Project Veritas account.

“It’s the number two trending story globally on Twitter, which is ironic because Jack Dorsey banned, project Veritas from Twitter, yet our stories trend on Twitter,” said O’Keefe. “That means the truth is getting out there. No matter what.”


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CNN, WaPo, Twitter and Google

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse.

    txvet2 in reply to Ben Kent. | April 15, 2021 at 4:38 pm

    You forgot Facebook, the NYT and MSNBC, among many others. They’ve got enough horsemen to make up a troop.

    Brave Sir Robbin in reply to Ben Kent. | April 15, 2021 at 4:47 pm

    Seriously – the Democrats want pass legislation to give reparations to “black” people. Guess who has all the money? I do not think any of these guys need more than $1 billion. And AOC and the Squad agrees, which makes it even better. So the Republicans should propose a bill – 100% wealth levy on all assets in excess of $1 billion, to include assets hidden overseas and in fake tax avoiding trusts. They are going to either take the money from you and your kids, or we can take it from the people who hate you and want to take away your freedoms.

      Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Brave Sir Robbin. | April 15, 2021 at 10:33 pm

      So the Republicans should propose a bill – 100% wealth levy on all assets in excess of $1 billion, to include assets hidden overseas and in fake tax avoiding trusts.

      Yes, this. This getds a million upvotes! Except I highly doubt that any republicans have the balls to introduce such legislation in the House (and concurrently in the Senate) and challenge the democrats to pass such legislation (without debate or amendment) as being the fair and just way for democrats to pay for their liberal social agenda.

SeiteiSouther | April 15, 2021 at 4:35 pm

And by that, Twitter just proved him right.

Speaking facts to truth is taboo in socially progressive sects.

The excuse given has nothing to do with the reason for kicking him off Twitter. The reason is closer to, “He says bad things about our friends.”

He’s right to sue and I hope he wins.

Twitter banned the Project Veritas account in February for breaking its “private information policy right after it posted a video of Facebook executives discussing censorship tools.
And there’s absolutely no collusion going on here that might violate any anti-trust laws. Nope. None at all. Nuh uh, nothin’ to see here folks, just move along….

And I’ve been saying for some time now that people need to be suing for defamation when they get suspended or banned from any of these platforms for “misinformation” and the like. They are making claims about your trustworthiness (your reputation), and if they’re false, that is slander/libel. Some will get thrown out by progressive judges, but some of them will get through, and some of those will win.

Put them on the defensive.

Twitter deserves every swift kick in the @ss we can give them.

TheOldZombie | April 15, 2021 at 9:49 pm

I hope he pulls it off. He’s got a good track record in courts.

Twitter will want to avoid discovery. So they will try to get the case dismissed, and then offer a settlement if they can’t.

O’Keefe is as interested in the discovery as any settlement he would be likely to get since it is very likely Twitter’s internal documents will reveal other torts or crimes. And O’Keefe might have someone inside who can report if Twitter turns everything over so they would be foolish to try to be less than candid with discovery materials.

Twitter will just stop saying why they’re banning you.

They might do just that. What they ~can’t~ do is unsay what they’ve already put in print.

Twitter will withhold docs and stall; They are arrogant and that will be their downfall–assuming the American Court System is not undermined!

“Twitter permanently suspended Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe for allegedly violating its rules “on platform manipulation and spam.”

“It’s our platform, dammit, and we’ll do all the manipulatin’!”

James is getting old! Seems like he was just a kid not too long ago! Has he been doing this THAT long?