Racial Deceptions Week in Higher Education
Your weekly report on campus news.

People in higher education are suddenly confessing to lying about their racial identities. What’s going on?
- White George Washington U. Professor Admits She Lied About Being Black
- George Washington U. Prof Who Lied About Being Black Resigns
- UW-Madison Doctoral Student Reveals Her Own Racial Fraud
Could it be that higher education is too obsessed with race and identity politics?
- U. Michigan-Dearborn Hosts Racially Segregated Events in the Name of Social Justice and Inclusion
- Black Student Activist Group at Columbia U. Gives School 48 Hours to Acknowledge Demands
- Colleges Seek to ‘Decolonize’ Curriculum in Effort to Increase Diversity
It’s affecting hiring policies, too.
- Fired Oberlin Prof lawsuit: Told “we can’t just hire another white woman from the Midwest with a husband”
- Cornell Faculty Coalition Calls for Race-Based Hiring, Promotion, and Curriculum (Update)
Meanwhile, anything remotely conservative is fair game.
- ACLU Official Attacks Transylvania University for Admitting Nick Sandmann as a Student
- Yale Professor Compares Trump’s Presidency to the Rise of Nazi Germany
- Professor Allegedly Threatened to Fail Student Who Balked at Anti-Trump Assignment
This is indoctrination, not scholarship.
- Progressives Now Scouring Shakespeare for Linguistic Racism
- Texas Tech Students Demand Curriculum Overhaul to Include ‘Intersectional Feminism’
- Quiz at Vanderbilt U. Implies U.S. Constitution Designed to Perpetuate White Supremacy and Protect Slavery
Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground would be proud.
An utter disgrace.
It’s just about Confederate statues, they said.

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Maybe we need DNA testing as part of the hiring processes for employment now.
Isn’t is just wonderful how all the civil rights laws have put all of this in the past?
I told the census taker that I self-identify as a Reptilian. “That’s not on the list!” “Well put it on the list! What are you, a racist?”
I identify as a human grizzly.
Diversity deception. Color judgments, not limited to racism, that deny individual dignity, deny individual conscience, normalize color quotas, color blocs, and affirmative discrimination are, unfortunately, a progressive condition.