Joe Biden’s Age and Health Are Not Off Limits

Last summer, Joe Biden’s embarrassing gaffes were adding up, and even left-wing media outlets like the Washington Post started fact-checking the veracity of stories he’d tell during stump speeches. Questions began to be asked out in the open in Democrat/media circles about Biden’s age and health.

CNN’s Jake Tapper alluded to it in response to a thread done by former Harry Reid deputy chief of staff Adam Jentleson noting the number of flubs Biden had made in recent weeks:

Biden’s penchant for these types of mistakes had gotten so bad that President Trump was calling him out on it, Biden’s allies were pushing to scale back campaign appearances, and articles were written about the mental acuity questions. His physician even talked to Politico to assure people that Biden was “every bit as sharp as he was 31 years ago. I haven’t seen any change.”

Fast forward to now. Biden’s still a gaffe machine and again raising alarm bells with how he forgets things. All of a sudden, the same people wondering last year about Biden’s age and health don’t seem to be interested in discussing the issue anymore:

Knowing how the media and Democrats operate, the likely reason is that Biden won in South Carolina and had a big night on Super Tuesday. All of a sudden, Biden – the preferred candidate of establishment Democrats, well-known media figures, and Never Trumpers – now looks like a winner in those circles.

Because of that, they must protect their candidate from uncomfortable scrutiny.

But Republicans who are all too familiar with the games the left plays when it comes to age and health questions are making it clear they aren’t going to play by their rules:

“It seems like if you’re a Democrat in this country, your choice right now looks to be a socialist who is a communist sympathizer or Joe Biden, who I think a lot of folks legitimately, Ed, question his cognitive function in many cases,” [Lara Trump] said, addressing Fox News’s Ed Henry.The campaign adviser, who is married to Trump’s son, Eric Trump, said she feels “nervous” when he goes to speak “that he’s not going to be able to coherently string a sentence together.”“And if I feel that way, I think Democrat voters out there probably feel very nervous about him,” she added, citing a time when he forgot what state he was in and when he asked for support on “Super Thursday.”

On the flip side of this, the Sanders campaign is denying any knowledge of a mysterious memo that circulated on social media websites overnight on behalf of Sanders, and which referenced Biden’s “obvious cognitive decline.”

Sanders’ comms guy Mike Caspa told Newsweek it wasn’t theirs. “That’s not a real document,” he claimed.

Because Trump and his surrogates are not backing down on putting the issue back into the spotlight, Democrats like Clintonista Joe Lockhart are acting offended:

Oh really? Like Democrats haven’t gone down that road before by doing things like bringing in Yale psychiatry professor Bandy Lee to brief members of Congress on her opinions about Trump’s mental health:

Let’s also not forget the role the mainstream media has played in “diagnosing” Trump’s mental health from afar:

As the primary season wears on, Joe Biden is going to continue to do Joe Biden things. And if he ends up being awarded with winning the nomination, an even brighter spotlight will be shining on him when he goes off-script, regardless of how much the media tries to avoid the issue.

This is what happens after 3+ years of questioning someone’s mental fitness to lead. You can’t expect people not to turn those types of attacks back around on those who made them.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Biden Cognitive, Democrats, Donald Trump, Joe Biden