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Crisis Management Week in Higher Education

Crisis Management Week in Higher Education

Your weekly report on campus news.

Due to the Coronavirus crisis, some people are starting to worry about the future of some schools.

Tucker Carlson offers this straightforward response.

The effects are already happening.

Everyone is at risk.

Action and analysis.

This will help.

Many people are calling for this.

Political correctness, even in a crisis.

Not smart.

Just think of them as a temporary grounds crew.


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2smartforlibs | March 28, 2020 at 9:11 am

Another bloated bureaucracy that’s finding out maybe it’s not as important as it thought.

Connivin Caniff | March 28, 2020 at 9:29 am

Other than the sciences, engineering, accounting and other “technically-rich” courses, “Higher Education” is a fraud. The chancellor has no clothes.