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July 2019

The Trump administration's decision to crack down on sanctuary policies by withholding funding resulted in Los Angeles being denied a $3 million grant, a move that prompted the city to sue the DOJ. On Friday, the Trump administration scored a huge win when the 9th Circuit overturned a nationwide injunction barring the DOJ from prioritizing taxpayer monies to cities and states that cooperate with federal immigration officials.

Axios got its hands on a poll that could cause Democrats to lose their minds because it's bound to get worse. The poll showed that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has become the face of the Democratic Party in swing states. Thing is, this poll took place before the public spat between her and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

Top DHS officials from President Barack Obama's administration have taken a strong stand against the border decriminalization positions held by 2020 Democratic presidential candidates. The Hill reports:
In an op-ed in The Washington Post this week, former Obama Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said that decriminalization would attract hundreds of thousands of new migrants to the southern border. He described the proposal as “tantamount to declaring publicly that we have open borders.”

The progressive push for higher minimum wage laws has had perfectly predictable results: lower-income people are most harmed, businesses switch to robots, businesses shutter, or as in the case of west coast Restaurants Unlimited, Inc., they simply file for bankruptcy. The chain closed six restaurants prior to filing.

Germany has called for a European Union-wide 'redistribution coalition' to settle migrants who are presently entering into Europe through the Mediterranean Sea. "We need a coalition of willing for a mandatory distribution mechanism," German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said. Germany will be taking a "leadership role" in accepting migrants coming from the Mediterranean route, the Foreign Minister added.