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Good Riddance to Mueller Week at Legal Insurrection

Good Riddance to Mueller Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Mueller just couldn’t resist taking a parting shot on his way out the door, but it may have backfired.

Now we have William Barr.

Warren had a bad week.

Cocaine Mitch plays for keeps.

Of course he does.

Trump is going after Biden.

That’s it, fight among yourselves.


What kind of person does this?

World news.

Branco cartoons!


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“Good Riddance to Mueller Week at Legal Insurrection”

Best. Headline. 2019.

And there’s still 205 days until Christmas…

casualobserver | June 2, 2019 at 10:15 am

A good look at motive and logic behind Mueller’s head-scratching parting press conference. Good riddance INDEED!

All about impeachment not collusion

    artichoke in reply to casualobserver. | June 2, 2019 at 3:21 pm

    I can’t believe Mueller hurried to finish and “get his evidence to Congress”. (He couldn’t get it anywhere than the AG, but Barr more or less had to release it and was happy to do so, because it was quite benign to Trump.)

    Mueller knew he had nothing and that the whole “obstruction” witch-hunt was just that, trying to gin up something based on nothing. He wanted it to be more, and he would have been happy to drag it out past Nov. 2020 allowing people to think there was more there. But Barr came in, a new boss, audited the project probably, and ordered him to finish and submit. This is the right of the AG. Nobody’s saying Mueller didn’t have time to finish, except the misleading trope article you link.

      artichoke in reply to artichoke. | June 3, 2019 at 7:00 pm

      Whoever downvoted this, and whoever downvoted my post at the bottom linking to the article showing that Mueller selectively quoted to create the appearance of obstruction where there was none, is trying to keep the Mueller meme alive.

    1A_Rules in reply to casualobserver. | June 2, 2019 at 3:32 pm

    McCarthy is both observant and smart.

It’s important that he was forced to wrap up, so we can critique and find the omissions and distortions in the report well before the election. He probably wanted to drag it out for 4 years and escape critique.

If he is subpoenaed to testify in front of any congressional committees, my money is on him being a no-show. He’s going to have to be hauled in front of a grand jury and if he is, he will plead the 5th. He said he would never speak of this matter again, for good reason. More than likely because his tenure as special counsel is full of ethics and legal violations.

regulus arcturus | June 2, 2019 at 5:12 pm

Muller needs to be disbarred at minimum, and preferably prosecuted.

Terence G. Gain | June 2, 2019 at 5:39 pm

The key question Mueller must answer is when he knew that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. I suspect that it was in 2017. After this date Mueller was not conducting a counterterrorism investigation but an impeachment discovery. Mueller was never pursuing Justice and the allegation that Trump attempted to obstruct justice is nonsense.

Even if Mueller was investigating whether there was a conspiracy to collude, since Trump knew that he was innocent he could not have possessed the guilty mind necessary for him to be guilty of the crime of obstruction.