Best A.F. Branco Legal Insurrection Cartoon of 2018 (Reader Poll)
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Best A.F. Branco Legal Insurrection Cartoon of 2018 (Reader Poll)

Best A.F. Branco Legal Insurrection Cartoon of 2018 (Reader Poll)

Every vote counts!

Another year of fabulous A.F. Branco cartoons is coming to an end. You can view a video of all Tony’s 2018 cartoons in the video below.

A reader vote on the Best cartoon is becoming an annual event:

Here is the video of all Tony’s 2018 Legal Insurrection cartoons:

It’s always difficult for me to whittle down the list to just 10, but here are the ten I selected (in chronological order). The Poll is at the bottom of the post.

These entries are in chronological order. The Poll is open until midnight (Pacific Time) on Thursday night, January 3.



Back to the Future

Fatal Attraction

Flak News

Cross Examination

Manifest Destiny

Fake, Fake Fake Fake

Lead Balloon

Freedom of Screech

The Poll is open until midnight (Pacific Time) on Thursday night, January 3.

(If you do not have javascript enabled, you may not see the poll)

Best A.F. Branco Legal Insurrection Cartoon of 2018 (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 931


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Whoa….am I the only one up this morning?! First vote.
“Back to the Future” because it seems as though those who control the internet, control the future.

buckeyeminuteman | January 1, 2019 at 8:22 am

Don’t let the Russians hijack this vote!

Dear Mr. Branco,

Every year this gets harder, Thank you.

I also voted “Back to the Future,” a quite statement, I did not laugh at that cartoon.
The whispered dirty secret, the reason so many of us are here with Professor Jacobson.

Your mind is sharp and your senses keen.

DouglasJBender | January 1, 2019 at 8:51 am

Where do I present my picture ID?

So many outstanding choices…this is hard. AF hits one nail on the head after another.

Of the ten “finalists” presented by Professor J, “Back to the Future” wins, hands down. Or, as Jim Treacher puts it:×346.jpg

So-called social media, like journalism, has become all about controlling the flow of information to the hoi polloi (a.k.a. “Deplorables”).

I had a hunch my favorite wouldn’t be picked but it must be difficult for the perfessor to pick just 10 out of all the GREAT cartoons Mr Branco submits every year.

My write-in vote for favorite of the year is 30 secs into the video:

School Choice.

“Back to the Future”

They are all excellent. That one just makes a statement about something bigger and more dangerous than the others.


Morning Sunshine | January 1, 2019 at 11:11 am

also have to go with Back to the Future.

They’re all good, but if I had to choose, I’d go with Back to the Future.

Lead Balloon

“Trap” is so good because it’s so true!

Trying to pick the “best” Branco cartoon is like picking the best star in the sky. They are all great.

I have to go with “Back to the Future” too. But “Manifest Destiny” comes in as a very close second for me.

Branco’s cartoons always amuse. But “Sucks” ( ) made me LOL. That one gets my vote.

Manifest Destiny is my favorite. Was a hard decision, however as all are great.

Back to the Future with Manifest Destiny a distant second.

smalltownoklahoman | January 1, 2019 at 8:07 pm

Hmmm, I must have Javascript disabled because I’m not seeing it. I think I’ll go with Flak News because of how much that dominated the headlines and just how disgusting the Dems and media’s behavior was throughout that whole time. It was one of the most blatant and sickening attempts to ruin a nomination and the life of a good man that I’ve seen in recent times. I hope that it will not be forgotten for a long time.

Let me start with… I believe that almost half could easily be argued are good enough to be placed in the top ten, but mathematically cannot.
My top ten aren’t in William’s top ten. My top three are each #1 depending on what I looked at before that.
Those are Elmer Dud, Ballot Hunt, and Million to One Shot Doc.
2018 Republican Plank is #4, and Quicksand is #5 and either Big Brothers or Tech Got Your Tongue with Playing to the Base, Missed By THAT Much, It Takes a Thief, and Lead Balloon making my top ten.
And it doesn’t matter because none of them is on the voting table.
Good luck to your choices that do not match mine

“Bushwacked” is the winner for me.

The corrupt Obama administration spied on the opposition and created a legal framework based on lies to sabotage Donald Trump’s presidency.

Susan Rice called it “by the book”, wink wink. FBI thug Storsk called it a “life insurance”.

Branco hasnt drawn it yet, but his best work of 2019 will be a cartoon of that idiot rino mittens romney with his head up his behind.

Yes, I also chose “Back To The Future” for all of the reasons stated. But one showing Trump committing political suicide with his stupid tweets would be even better.

    paracelsus in reply to Carl. | January 2, 2019 at 2:02 pm

    If you read the tweets closely and have the background (for lack of a better word) to understand precisely what The Donald’s trying to do, you’ll notice that the greatest majority of them are designed to irritate the typical New York Socialist-Progressive, just like banderillas.
    Watching him perform is like watching a magician who has the audience focus on his left hand while the right does the work required.

I find it hard to choose, all are so good and timely, quickly cutting to the subject, no holds barred.

I see I’m the only one so far, but I choose Cross Examination, because it says it all about who and what the Democrats are.

Oh, please don’t make me chose! They’re all are spot on. Well done Branco.