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January 2018

As we look toward the 2018 midterms, it's interesting to note that the GOP has reportedly given up on Florida's 27th District.  The district is in the Miami-Dade area and is largely Cuban-American, including as it does "Little Havana."  Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R) has served this area when it was the 18th and now that it's the 27th since 1989.

President Donald Trump tweeted that failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's former aide Huma Abedin should face jail after reports have emerged she sent State Department passwords to her personal Yahoo account. The Daily Caller reported on Monday that Abedin sent these passwords to the account before every single Yahoo email account was hacked.

Democrat Minnesota Senator Al Franken submitted his resignation later at 12PM CT to Governor Mark Dayton. Franken resigned after numerous females accused him of sexual misconduct, including groping and attempts to plant wet kisses on their mouths.

The Republican's longest-serving senator will retire at the end of his term this year. Sen. Hatch is 83-years-old and serving his seventh Senate term. Utah Senator Orrin Hatch released a video statement Tuesday announcing his plans to retire into public life.

Almost a week after India's vote against the US recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a senior Palestinian diplomat got into hot water for publicly fraternizing with one of India's most wanted terrorist. Palestinian 'Ambassador' to Pakistan, Waleed Abu Ali, jointly addressed a rally with Hafiz Saeed, the mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks that killed 164 people and injured 308. The rally hosted by an alliance of Islamic groups was held to condemn the US decision to formally recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish State. The event took place in the northern Pakistan city of Rawalpindi.

The Wall Street Journal has reported that a handful of officials from President Barack Obama's administration have entered into the 2018 House races to try to unseat some Republicans. Most of them will challenge Republicans that the Democrats view as "potentially vulnerable to a challenge."

Despite Palestinian and UNESCO efforts to remove the Jewish indigenous history in Israel, particularly Jerusalem, the evidence keeps showing up in archeological digs. It's why Israelis want to keep digging, and Palestinians oppose any digging, particularly in the area of the Temple Mount and Western Wall. One seeks the truth, the other is afraid of the truth.

I was going to run a "most viewed" posts of the year post, but frankly, it wasn't very interesting. We didn't have any blockbusters, and the list for some reason included a post from 2015 and 2016 (which were heavily viewed in 2017). So instead, I went through my own post timeline to find some "fun" posts that should be memorable. Here they are:

For almost a week, Iranians have been protesting against their oppressive regime. The demonstrations have been unfolding on social media since Iran has no free press and the state press have been told not to report on it. For some odd reason, officials from President Barack Obama's administration have advised people to ignore this uprising. Gee, could it be because their celebrated Iranian nuclear deal looks REALLY bad now? That deal was supposedly the most important foreign policy decision during the administration.

#MeToo, the movement that opened the floodgates of sexual assault and harassment allegations against the rich and powerful, has met an unfortunate fate -- it's been hijacked by partisans hoping to score political points. Targeting political opponents by trotting out alleged victims to make public claims of events transpiring decades ago, attorney's lusting for their 15 minutes of fame, and fundraising opportunities have tainted an otherwise noble movement to put an end to long-standing abuse.