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Woman Pays for Girl’s Birthday Cake to Honor Her Late Daughter

Woman Pays for Girl’s Birthday Cake to Honor Her Late Daughter

So sweet.

Okay, so I’m going to try to do some more feel good stories in 2018 because the news tends to drift towards anger and disgust. How about this one?

A mother who lost her daughter at 9 months old in 2008 purchased a birthday cake for 11-year-old Madison. From ABC7:

“Each year I do this random act of kindness because I am unable to buy my daughter a cake of her own,” read a card left for 11-year-old Madison, explaining that the cake was paid for in honor of McKenna “MBug” Jodell.

McKenna, who would have turned 10 last week, died when she was just nine months old, according to the card.

The story gained attention after Kyle Jauregui, Madison’s brother, shared about the sweet moment on Twitter. He explained that they found out the cake was paid for when they went to pick it up.

“My family was speechless and we just want to say thank you to McKenna’s mom and wish McKenna a Happy Birthday. There’s still good in this world,” he wrote.

The random act of kindness was done through the MISS Foundation’s Kindness Project, which encourages grieving families to perform random acts of kindness in honor of deceased children. The MISS Foundation, a nonprofit that helps families who have lost children, said that more than 3 million kindness projects have been performed since 1996.

The Kindness Project said on Facebook that this time the do-gooder was Ashely Jodell.

“There is nothing that eases the pain of our children’s physical absence in our world. But to bring their love back, intentionally, through kindness is meaningful in its own way,” the organization wrote in the wake of Jodell’s act.


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This is just one of the joyous but sad things that Western Civilization (I.e. SJW ‘white privilege’) has brought to us. Thank you, McKenna’s mom.

Thank you, Mary, for the great story. Only children can teach us the meaning of unconditional love. These acts help express that love when we cannot do so directly.

Paul In Sweden | January 6, 2018 at 5:25 am

I disagree, a lot on this one. If I ordered a birthday cake for my kid and some grieving stranger off the street wanted to attach their sad tale to my child’s otherwise joyous event I would tell the baker to bake me another one and do what you want with that one. Then I would tell the baker that my kid does not take candy from strangers and that her birthday party is not an open door for every grieving woman that lost her child. Why should my kid’s birthday be forever memorialized by the death of some grieving woman’s child?

    Paul In Sweden in reply to Paul In Sweden. | January 6, 2018 at 5:43 am

    A random act of kindness should be anonymous. Forcing someone else to share your grief is therapy and the going rate for that is a lot more than a birthday cake.