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Kavanaugh on Campus Week in Higher Education

Kavanaugh on Campus Week in Higher Education

Your weekly report on campus news.

Campus progressives are not taking the confirmation of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court very well.

Like, at all.


Compare and contrast.

All leftism, all the time.



The cause of this is a total mystery.


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How long must we wait until the GOP starts defunding this Ponzi scheme? Or are they too busy taking massive donations from Big Education, like Jeb! was?

    Arminius in reply to Matt_SE. | October 14, 2018 at 4:35 pm

    I want them to start, but slowly. Start by defunding the grievance studies departments and the Title IX administrators/coordinators.

    Twist the knife slowly so I can enjoy the wailing and gnashing of teeth. We can come for the rest later.