Kavanaugh on Campus Week in Higher Education
Your weekly report on campus news.

Campus progressives are not taking the confirmation of Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court very well.
- Pro-Kavanaugh Flyers Torn Down at U. Cincinnati
- U. Wisconsin-Steven’s Point Student Govt. Passes Anti-Kavanaugh Resolution
- Scholars Worry Justice Kavanaugh Could Undermine Diversity on College Campuses
Like, at all.
- New York Law Students Walk Out to Protest Kavanaugh Confirmation
- Susan Rice’s Pro-Kavanaugh Son Allegedly Assaulted on Stanford Campus
- Pro-Communism Group at UT Austin Doxxes Pro-Kavanaugh Protesters
Compare and contrast.
- U. Washington Students Create Website for Anonymous Sexual Assault Accusations Against Men
- Student Spends $12,000 Defending Himself Over Incident He Says Was Consensual
All leftism, all the time.
- Georgetown Prof Who Called for Republican Deaths Placed on ‘Research Leave’
- Harvard’s Kennedy School to Begin ‘Unconscious Bias and Micro-Messaging’ Training
- U. Minnesota Scholar Claims Capitalism Must Be Destroyed to Save the Planet
The cause of this is a total mystery.

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How long must we wait until the GOP starts defunding this Ponzi scheme? Or are they too busy taking massive donations from Big Education, like Jeb! was?
I want them to start, but slowly. Start by defunding the grievance studies departments and the Title IX administrators/coordinators.
Twist the knife slowly so I can enjoy the wailing and gnashing of teeth. We can come for the rest later.