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September 2018

God bless Brett Kavanaugh and his family who are under attack by Democrats. Earlier Monday, Kavanaugh wrote a letter making clear he is not intimidated by the political campaign to destroy his character nor will he be pushed to withdraw from the process. Monday evening Judge Kavanaugh and his wife sat down with Fox News' Marcha MacCallum for a public interview.

Soon to be retired Sen. Orrin Hatch is one of the handful of Senators behind the Music Modernization Act, passed by the Senate last week. Co-sponsored by Sen. Lamar Alexander from Tennessee and Sen. Orrin Hatch from Utah, the bill (whose counterpart passed in the House a few months ago) would change the way musicians are paid for their work.

Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh has told Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley and Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein that he will not withdraw. He wrote:
These are smears, pure and simple. And they debase our public discourse. But they are also a threat to any man or woman who wishes to serve our country. Such grotesque and obvious character assassination—if allowed to succeed—will dissuade competent and good people of all political persuasions from service.

The Cook Political Report changed its ratings in three Senate races, including Texas. The map still tends to favor the GOP keeping its majority, but it's looking like incumbent Democrats Joe Tester from Montana and Joe Manchin from West Virginia will keep their seats. However, incumbent Republican Ted Cruz from Texas is in slight trouble as his race now has the label Toss-Up.

Earlier this morning, Axios has reported that "Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has verbally resigned to Chief of Staff John Kelly in anticipation of being fired by President Trump, according to a source with direct knowledge." Other reports indicate that Rosenstein is headed to the White House and "expecting to be fired" and he will not resign. Now it has emerged that Rosenstein will meet with President Donald Trump on Thursday.

This could be the reason why the Senate Democrats and Christine Blasey Ford kept trying to delay a hearing and confirmation for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The New Yorker dropped a story from Ronan Farrow about a woman alleging that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her during their time at Yale. Sen. Chuck Grassley also released the letter from Ford that came into Sen. Dianne Feinstein's possession in July.

There is a reason Democrats and Ford's team have been stalling both a committee vote and testimony in the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. They managed to postpone things until Thursday, in an obvious attempt to gain as many extra days as possible. We covered today's developments in Kavanaugh accuser to testify Thursday even though all her eyewitnesses dispute her story. They've been hoping, and probably working on finding, someone else to make an accusation. Looks like they found a person who initially told the New Yorker there were gaps in her memory of the incident in college that prevented her from "characterizing Kavanaugh's role" in an alleged incident, but after six days of thinking about it and consulting with attorneys, she was finally ready to make the accusation.

Here's what we know because we've been repeatedly told: One, if the Democrats take one or both Houses of Congress, President Trump will be, at best, more lame than the lamest lame duck in the history of our nation as he complies with a zillion Congressional inquiries and demands and fights impeachment (should the Dems win the House); two, the leftist dream, of course, is that President Trump be removed from office (should the Dems win the Senate); and/or three, he will be impeached and removed from office if Democrats take both the House and the Senate. This isn't rocket science or tea leaves, it's what they've clearly and constantly said since President Trump trounced twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton back in 2016.

Twitter hashtag games are a fun and effective way of sharing our ideas, no less so now that Twitter is silencing conservatives. Case in point, Ben, of Ben and Jerry's ice cream fame and fortune, coordinated a "name the ice cream for seven up and coming progressives" effort with and got far more than he bargained for.