Best A.F. Branco Legal Insurrection Cartoon of 2017 (Reader Poll)
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Best A.F. Branco Legal Insurrection Cartoon of 2017 (Reader Poll)

Best A.F. Branco Legal Insurrection Cartoon of 2017 (Reader Poll)

Another year of fabulous A.F. Branco cartoons is coming to an end. You can view a video of all Tony’s 2017 cartoons here.

A reader vote on the Best cartoon is becoming an annual event:

It’s always difficult for me to whittle down the list to just 10, but here are the ten I selected (in chronological order). The Poll is at the bottom of the post.

Sees Only Evil

Made Obamacare Great Again


Hands Up, Pants Down

Disassembly Line

Taking a Knee

Stop the Presses



Open until Midnight Pacific Time on Wednesday night, January 3.

[Poll will not load if you do not have javascript enabled]

Total Votes: 570


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I went with “Stop the Presses”. Had to pick one. They are all very good.

I chose “Disassembly Line”, which is essentially a prerequisite for most (if not all) of the others.

Dig Montgomery | January 1, 2018 at 2:23 am

I choose “Take a Knee”. Have no clue if this is the poll or not. What a messed up user unfriendly format. SHEESH.

    DINORightMarie in reply to Dig Montgomery. | January 7, 2018 at 9:46 am

    It’s AdBlock making the poll not show up. Turn it off and see if you can view the poll. (The Professor insists it is that a user doesn’t have JavaScript enabled, but I have it enabled on my Chrome browser. I even screenshotted it at one point, because the survey only displays on my laptop when I turn off AdBlock Plus for this site. Sorry Professor – it is true, and I can send a screenshot if you and your IT ppl don’t believe me, again.)

    BTW – it displays fine on a mobile device, so if you really want to vote in the poll, go to the site on your mobile browser. I did! 🙂

    I voted for “Stop the Presses” because that to me sums up the entire year, in a nutshell – actually, more than the year, ever since Trump won the election in Nov. 2016.

Branco’s work is always wonderful. Sees Only Evil and Stop the Presses neatly summarize how horribly MSM has performed. I went with Sees Only Evil because it was first in time.

Disassembly Line. Because it spotlights a tumor that is most malignant yet undetected by most Americans.

A.F., you’ve kept us laughing AND shaking our heads at the sad decline of the left for years. Keep up the great work!!

Close The Fed | January 1, 2018 at 4:30 pm

Okay, come on people! We all know “Disassembly line” came after Made Obamacare great again!!!!

Made Obamacare great again was by far the best, as it shows what our ailment has been for 75 years: republicans that engage in circular firing squads!

G. de La Hoya | January 2, 2018 at 8:07 am

I think Branco is one of the best that I have ever seen. I also believe that mockery is the best at dealing with liberals. 2 thumbs up Branco! Disassembly Line.

“Code Red” Destruction from within The Executive Judiciary