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Joy Reid flips out when guest mentions Elizabeth Warren’s American Indian “stunt”

Joy Reid flips out when guest mentions Elizabeth Warren’s American Indian “stunt”

Shuts down J.D. Hayworth

Joy Reid tends to get agitated when a guest doesn’t go in the direction she wants on her MSNBC show.

Mark Finkelstein has featured her antics and those of her guests a number of times:

Reid recently lost it with J.D. Hayworth.

Newsbusters reports, MSNBC’s Reid Race-Baits With Phony Claims, Kicks GOP Guest off Show:

On Saturday’s AM Joy on MSNBC, after NewsMax’s J.D. Hayworth appeared on a panel where he was outnumbered by liberals 3:1, host Joy Reid repeatedly attempted to race-bait the former Republican congressman with stories that ranged from false to misleading, and ended up kicking him off the show when she was dissatisfied with how he answered her questions. Reid: “I think we’re done with this segment because you literally answered a non sequitur that’s incredibly offensive. I’m going to let Rosie Perez talk about the — thank you for being here. No, you know what, what an odd exchange.” …

After her Republican guest brought up the Hispanic gang MS-13, Reid blew a gasket as she shot back: “You know, J.D., you know what, okay, hold on, you talked earlier about false narratives. You just answered my question about a specific arrest with an attempt to talk about Latino-on-Latino violence, so essentially you’re trying to ascribe violence to an entire race of people — ethnicity — an ethnic group — as the answer to my question? That is not the answer to my question. That’s a non sequitur. It was a non sequitur.” …

Hayworth then began to complain about the pattern of liberals trying to insert race into political discussions, and started to cite Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren’s recent accusations of racism against Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Hayworth: “But I understand, well, I’ll tell you, we’ll take it out of — we’ll take it our of the ethnicity, although that’s tough when you take a look at the stunt that Elizabeth Warren pulled, and we know that she falsely claimed to be American-Indian-”

After Reid injected, “What does Elizabeth Warren have to do with anything?” Hayworth continued: “Well, because it’s another stunt in the Senate to set up aggrieved class-”

At this point, the MSNBC host went over the edge and seemed to believe that Senator Warren really did have a Native-American heritage as she began ranting:

Wait a minute, okay, J.D., can I just tell you something? We’re going to end here, but, sir, sir, sir, you’ve talked about strawmen, but twice now you’ve answered questions with non sequiturs that have some sort of an ethnic base to them. Now, you’ve gone after Elizabeth Warren’s Native-American heritage, which is a complete non sequitur.

After Hayworth injected, “She has none,” an exasperated Reid decided to kick her Republican guest off the show:

I think we’re done with this segment because you literally answered a non sequitur that’s incredibly offensive. I’m going to let Rosie Perez talk about the — thank you for being here. No, you know what, what an odd exchange. Odd non sequiturs. I want to talk to you for a second, Rosie Perez. Thank you. Wow.


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JoeThePimpernel | February 19, 2017 at 3:58 pm

The Occutards are in full meltdown mode.

Joy Reid.
The MSNBC host who perfectly filled the crazy, race obsessed niche left vacant when Melissa Harris-Perry was canned.

“Shut up,” explained the liberal.

a reason to cancel cable..
until then all the “joy” we can handle will still be on mslsd…

I don’t think Republicans or conservatives should agree to go on her show, because they know in advance they’ll be treated badly.
I’m surprised she didn’t tell him to “Check your privilege,” which is the modern version of “Yo’ Mama so fat.” That seems to be what progressives say when their logic is wrong, and they have to resort to ad hominem attacks.

Rick the Curmudgeon | February 21, 2017 at 7:01 pm

I don’t think Republicans or conservatives…

I saw what you did there.

Hard to believe that Rosie Perez was her “expert” that she tossed the ball to next. It’s such an obvious setup from the beginning, they bring on a white male to face off against three women of color. Yet they still have to kick him off the show as all three of them were getting trucked.