Legal Insurrection | news and politics | week in review
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Nothing to See Here Week at Legal Insurrection

Nothing to See Here Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

Hillary won’t even dignify questions about her email scandal by answering them anymore.

Hillary has other issues, too:

So, this happened…

International affairs…

Higher education updates…

And of course, cartoons.


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Did anyone else notice that there never any follow ups to these “Tough” questions? It looked to me like they are throwing out the questions that the Republican nominee will ask her to get them out there ahead of time to make them no big deal. This is what she has done to the Benghazi story and she had a lot of help with that 11 hour Gowdy fiasco. Don’t ever think for one minute that this woman does anything off the cuff. Ramos’ daughter works for hillary and this smells like a set up to me.

When the dinosaur media will not mention anything remotely negative, the low/no information bunch just wonders, WTF? This is to be expected from people that think rolling your eyes is an effective rebuttal to valid points.