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Free Stuff Week at Legal Insurrection

Free Stuff Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you might have missed.

Bernie Sanders has been less than forthcoming about how he’s going to pay for all the free stuff.

Donald Trump is giving things away for free but he paid for them.

Hillary had another rough week.

So did Obama.


And other forms of humor.

Winner of the week? Ted Cruz.


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“Bernie: No, I won’t explain how I’ll pay for everything for everyone.”

That strategy worked for Obamacare. So, why shouldn’t he try it here. Some people are still dumb enough to vote for him.

Bernie knows what he’s doing.

He knows half the voters, mostly conservatives, will look at this and say, “Hmm, he can’t even disclose how he’ll pay for it. That must mean it’ll be coming out of my pocket. I won’t vote for him.”

The other half, mostly liberals, will see this and say, “FREE STUFF? OMG, I am voting for this guy!”

Send the tab for “free stuff” to @SenSanders campaign fund.

The mystique of socialism: Sanders Claus knows how he will pay for “free stuff” but he is protecting his sources.