10 most viewed Legal Insurrection posts in 2015

2015 was a decent year in terms of blog traffic. We were up over 1 million page views compared to 2014, to over 15 million for the year.

Based on Google Analytics, here were the ten post with the most page views during 2015:

1. Finally Obtained: David Gregory Arrest Warrant Affidavit, January 22, 2015

Did this really happen this year? Seems so long ago.

2. Jordanian pilot captured by ISIS burned alive, February 3, 2015

Surprised this came in at No. 2.

3. Feminists Fall For #PissForEquality Hoax, October 5, 2015

My personal favorite post. Thanks Kemberlee! Clearly not a post I could have written.

4. Matisyahu sings “Jerusalem” in face of anti-Israel protesters at Spanish Festival, August 22, 2015

Had several posts on this topic, but this one caught on.

5. Elena Kagan 2009: “There is no federal constitutional right to same-sex marriage”, June 24, 2015

Was she lying in 2009, playing word games, or did she evolve?

6. No, this is not a photo of women being sold in Mosul, August 19, 2014

This post actually was from 2014, but for some reason caught on abroad this year via Facebook shares.

7. Anti-Israel students target UT-Austin Israeli Studies prof after disrupting his speech, November 16, 2015

This story is not over yet.

8. Confirmed – Freddie Gray’s Knife WAS Illegal, May 5, 2015

The subtitle is a typical Branca humble brag.

9. Supreme Court Ruling – Gay Marriage A Constitutional Right, June 26, 2015

No one saw this coming, except everyone.

10.“Israeli security forces kill boy, 16”, October 10, 2015

Typical misleading media headline. The “boy” had just stabbed someone.

Tags: Blogging