Like George Zimmerman, Alan Grayson cleared by evidence

Alan Grayson will not be charged with wife-beating after an incident in which his wife Lolita claimed he hit her.

When first reported, I cautioned that Grayson was entitled to the same presumption of innocence as George Zimmeran. And like George Zimmerman, both in the shooting of Trayvon Martin and Zimmerman’s alleged domestic violence against his ex-wife and girlfriend, the evidence supported that presumption of innocence.

The video of the incident did not support her story and neither did the 911 call:

First Coast News reports:

“Investigators have interviewed Lolita Carson-Grayson, Alan Grayson, and others and reviewed the evidence. In this instance probable cause does not exist to effect an arrest on Alan Grayson,” said a release from the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.The Graysons, who were married 24 years, are divorcing and are living apart.Grayson’s staffer Juan Lopez said the congressman went home to pick up his mail, his medication and see his children when he had a confrontation with his wife.The incident was captured on video and witnessed by several people. Grayson’s attorney Mark NeJame says she video shows Lolita as the aggressor.Deputies released a 911 call from after incident.”Please come down and arrest him. He’s disturbing my peace and he’s threatening me,” Carson-Grayson said.Carson-Grayson told the dispatcher during the call that Grayson did not hit her.”I pushed him because he’s been coming to the house and he’s been disturbing my peace. Now he’s leaving,” she said.Carson-Grayson then told the dispatcher that she didn’t need assistance, but on Sunday, she showed up at the Dr. Phillips Hospital Emergency Room saying her husband pushed her up against a door and she had bruises.

In other news, Grayson is still a loudmouth jerk.

Update: Unlike Zimmerman, the public will accept Grayson’s innocence. But it’s worth revisiting the Zimmerman case evidence, just because:

Tags: Alan Grayson, George Zimmerman