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August 2013

Earlier this summer the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and Jewish Voices for Peace (JVP) held a BDS camp. The BDS (Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions) movement, which we have covered extensively, targets Israel. AFSC BDS These groups claim only to seek an end to the "occupation" of East Jerusalem and the West Bank. That territory, as we've covered here many times, is not illegally occupied. AFSC has a long history of demonizing Israel and seeking to delegitimize Israel under the seemingly benign Quaker movement name. AFSC is one of the most active BDS supporters, providing support for BDS groups on and off campus: AFSC BDS Handout AFSC seeks the de facto destruction of Israel as a Jewish state by pushing for a "right of return" for all Palestinian refugees, based on the false claim that such right of return is required under U.N. Resolution 194. In fact, as readers know, there were as many Jewish refugees from Arab countries as the other way around. There's a very telling remark at the end of Philadelphia Jewish Exponent's Philly-Based Quaker Group Criticized For BDS Camp:
Alexis Moore, an AFSC spokeswoman, said her group rejects “the idea that BDS is anti-Semitic. We are not targeting a country.” Instead, it is targeting specific companies like Israeli-owned Sodastream, that has its home fountain soda maker factory on the West Bank. “We see nothing anti-Semitic in the use of these non-violent tactics. Our work is rooted in human rights and equal justice for everyone.”
By mentioning SodaStream she gives away her game.

Wikileaks has been known to release insurance files from time to time.  These are dumps of encrypted files that can only be opened by those who hold the encryption key to do so.  For one, it makes certain that information reaches the public in the event those who hold the information aren't available to release it themselves.  It can also be sort of a secret holder's way of saying, "back off, or I'll go all secret-exposing nuclear on you..." But Wikileaks' latest release of such files has everybody talking.  That's because they're almost 400 gigabytes large.  That's large. So, folks are all wondering, what could possibly be in there?

The president's latest radio address is a classic example of Obamaspeak. We've grown used to the drill. First, some empty words about how he's going to help the economy and the middle class. Then sanguine projections about what his program (in this case, Obamacare) will do...

We’ll be covering the second degree murder trial of Merritt Landry, who was charged with second degree attempted murder for his shooting 14-year-old Marshall Coulter (described as a “professional thief” by his brother in news reports). Coulter had scaled a spiked metal fence to enter Landry’s...

From Phillip: This was found in the parking lot of a supermarket near downtown Dallas. Oak Lawn section of Dallas. ...

Remember when Joan Walsh of non-tokenist kicked off an intra-progressive Twitter war after writing:
“I deeply resent people who insist that white progressives who criticize Obama are deluding themselves that they’re his ‘base,’ when his ‘base’ is actually not white progressives, but people of color.”
Sure you do, Dem Base Fractures Into Twitter War And Charges Of Racism Against Professional Left: Nothing brings out the popcorn faster at LI than intra-progressive racial grievances. And this past week possibly was the largest bucket of popcorn ever seen upon the face of the Earth, with the hashtag #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen.   vid-spacer The guy they're talking about, Hugo Schwyzer, also is known as the Pasadena Porn Professor, who we have covered at College Insurrection, and you can read more about at The Other McCain. (By this point you're thinking, this is the weirdest Saturday Night Card Game post ever.) However it started, as convoluted as it was, the result was pure hysteria (via Al Jazeera)(click on the date of each tweet to see responses to it, some of which were more "interesting" than the tweet itself):

The younger brother of al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has reportedly been arrested, as the military's crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood continues amidst protests in Egypt. From the Associated Press (via Washington Post): Egyptian authorities have arrested the brother of al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahri, a security official...

First they came for the "Israel Lobby," but I didn't speak out, because I didn't want to be called an ISLAMOPHOBE! George Mason U. Student: “Jews had their golden age under Muslim rule” Then they came for Florida Atlantic University, but I didn't speak out, because it already tops the...

Not you. Your economy.  Try growing it.  It's the only chance you have left in Obamerica. From KK: Taken in a State Park in WV...

In an online video forum hosted by the transparency organization before a live studio audience in Australia on Friday, Campus Reform editor-in-chief Josiah Ryan asked Wikileaks founder Julian Assange his thoughts about Matt Drudge and Rand Paul. Assange praised Drudge for breaking down self censorship...

The Washington Post released a detailed report last night, stating that the NSA broke privacy rules thousands of times per year.  The report is based on documents shared earlier with the outlet by NSA leaker Edward Snowden, and it presents a clearer picture of precisely...