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February 2012

Can you imagine the uproar if a major conservative publication ran an image like this? The image is from New York Magazine, however, and it's in support of gay marriage, so the response will be muted, Obama Gay Marriage Evolution Watch: Day 468. A writer at WaPo does take...

Working on posts about Santorum's 2004 endorsement of and campaigning with Arlen Specter (and the false meme that we would not have Alito and Roberts if not for Santorum helping re-elect Specter), and another name to add to Operation Counterweight. But for now you'll have to...

With this being my first time ever attending CPAC, it can be easy to get caught up in the awe of it. The faces you see on the other end of the television every day turn into actual people and conference goers get a chance...

A close runner up to “the finest example of fatuous, preening, liberal self-righteousness” Thanks to reader Matt, who took this photo in the rain in Denver near the Cheesman Park neighborhood just east of Downtown, and writes: Doesn't the government ...

Mitt won the Maine caucuses, Mitt won the Maine caucuses! 39-36 over Ron Paul, with about 5000 people voting!  Not for Mitt, in total. He also won the CPAC straw poll.  Just like Michele Bachmann won the straw poll in Iowa.  And Herman Cain in Florida. ...

I posted earlier in the week about the Super Bowl commercial run by Pete Hoekstra, who is running for Senate from Michigan against Debbie Stabenow. The commercial was part of a campaign highlighting the loss of jobs in Michigan to countries like China. The url now redirects to...

Reader and frequent photographer Danelle sends this email: This link is for a young Texas group, The Ivey's. "Lady Made of Stone" is the first video and single release for their new album. I'd spend a couple of paragraphs bragging on these kids, but their music speaks for  itself. The...

Almost. Via BuzzFeed Politics: A video posted today shows conservative provocateur Andrew Breitbart shouting "Behave yourselves!" and "Stop raping people!" at Occupiers protesting outside CPAC this afternoon. He also calls them "freaks and animals." According to Campus Progress writer Emily Crockett, who filmed the video at around 6:15...

Her schtick is not funny anymore. Maybe it never really was. [post updated with new video since prior video links have gone bad)...

PPP polling shows Santorum with a huge surge in support since he won the Minnesota and Colorado caucuses and non-binding Missouri primary, to the point that he leads nationally with 38 percent, to 23% for Romney, 17% for Newt, and 13% for Ron Paul. Although a surge of...

There is nothing more important we can do between now and the November election than to help Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker defeat the recall effort. Don't let the thugs, Godwins, and head cases win.  Help Wisconsin and the nation end this long, strange trip. Links to how to...

Thanks to reader Michael, who writes: Spotted this morning in the parking lot at Brail's Restaurant in the People's Republic of Eugene, Oregon. ...

Oh, he's poking Team Obama and the media in the eye. He's says he's got some films of Obama from college, and he'll release them at just the right time. I wonder if the films were courtesy of Ayers and Dorn. When would be the best time? Film...

You be the judge, and remember, Newt Judges You. video platform video management video solutions video player video platform video management video solutions video player video platform video management video solutions video player...

From Byron York, Conservatives urge Romney not to attack Santorum: Mitt Romney met privately with a group of conservative activists and opinion leaders Thursday, on the eve of his speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington.  In a wide-ranging discussion, a number of participants...

Things doing: One Romney Supporter's Rant:  "What's wrong with the nutjobs on the right?"  Why are you asking me? (h/t HotAir). 1 year ago: "Rick Santorum has some high hurdles to overcome, but don't write him off. Just as Mike Huckabee came out of nowhere to pose a...

The Red Carpet Blogger Awards event was held at CPAC this morning.  I am very pleased to announced that Legal Insurrection received the award for the Most Underrated Blog. I guess that is fitting, and I appreciate recognition that we have not yet been sufficiently recognized...

Is right twice a day. Jeffrey Sachs, darling of the left, innovator of crazy theories & misguided foreign aid efforts, has called out Paul Krugman's approach to economics:  “Paul has a powerful bully pulpit in his New York Times column, and he’s been on one theme for...