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Obama Foreign Policy Tag

Obama has a massive foreign policy problem. It's called John Kerry. Kerry has been running his own foreign policy mission in Afghanistan, lecturing the locals, and now is back home lecturing the locals.Kerry has come out against the troop surge requested by General Stanley McChrystal...

The Obama administration has put its hopes of stopping the Iranian nuclear weapons program on negotiations with Iran. At best, Iran has been an unwilling participant, seeking to buy time.I suspect Iran's attitude is about to change for the worse. A suicide bombing took the...

Over a month ago, I was optimistic that President Obama would act decisively on Afghanistan. With each passing week, it grows more clear that I was wrong.White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel signalled today that no decision will be made any time soon on...

On January 31, 2009, I wrote that Turkey Looking Like The Next Iran: My prediction: Turkey is the next Iran, unless Obama stops blaming the U.S. for Islamist aggression and gives support to Turkey's secular institutions, including the Turkish army. Jimmy Carter tried the blame...

Barack Obama is on another "it's all Bush's fault" tear again. This time, using the tired campaign theme of cleaning up Bush's mess:Another way of putting it is when, you know, I'm busy and Nancy busy with our mop cleaning up somebody else’s mess –-...

Why am I still writing about the foolishness of the Nobel Peace Prize being given to Barack Obama? Maybe it's because there still are people writing strained justifications for what everyone knows to be unjustifiable.Now this from John Nichols at The Nation: Obama deserved and...

Received this e-mail from a "fan":Sir, just what are you doing for world peace other than complaining about the Nobel selection of Barack Obama?Well, complaining about the lunatic award of a peace prize to someone who never brought peace to anything was a pretty good...

My initial reaction to Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize was that this was Obamamania gone wild. That's part of it.But I think there is more to it. The internationalists have tied Obama's hands. Will Obama continue ordering drones to bomb houses in Pakistan? Will...

Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize. For what? Peace in Afghanistan? Peace in Iraq? Peace in the Middle East? Nope.How about peace in Chicago, Honduras, Detroit, or somewhere? Nope.What a joke. Was Chris Matthews on the committee?What an embarrassment to the Nobel Peace Prize...

Manuel Zelaya is supported by the Israel-bashing, Jew-baiting Hugo Chavez, who is teaming up with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran on a variety of fronts.So this NY Times report about anti-Semitic comments by a prominent Zelaya supporter comes as no surprise:Mr. [David] Romero, a host for...

I cannot comment on this diagnosis of clinical narcissism, since I only took Intro to Psychology in college, although I have commented on certain non-clinical aspects of the Won's persona.But the author of the diagnosis in question poses a further question, so I'll raise my...

I wish this headline in the NY Times was a joke, but it is not: U.S. Wonders if Iran Is Playing for Time or Is Serious on Deal This is a "news analysis" piece, so the Times will be all over the nuance angle: But...

Think Progress, the Democratic media-watch and policy group, always tries to blame conservatives for everything, including now the loss of the Olympics for Chicago: Mission Accomplished For Conservatives Who Rooted Against America.I doubt that the Olympic committee listened to any conservative U.S. voices. And talking...

It's hard to know if the situation in Honduras is as dire as reports indicate. Apparently the Obama administration is on the verge of winning in Honduras by forcing the constitutional authorities -- the legislature, the courts, the interim government -- to allow back into...

I thought we weren't allowed to talk this way when dealing with foreigners: "It's a battle -- we're going to win -- take no prisoners," the first lady said with a smile at a roundtable discussion with reporters in the White House State Dining Room.I...

Barack Obama often refers to Franklin D. Roosevelt in his speeches. But Roosevelt was the un-Obama when it came to war policy.Roosevelt took this country to all-out war with Japan, even though Japan only had attacked us once at Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt did not limit...

The saga of Manuel Zelaya should be a teachable moment to the Obama administration. As reported in the Miami Herald, Zelaya's insanity is seeping out. Zelaya claims he is the victim of radiation and mind control experiments and is being targeted by Israeli mercenaries.This is...

Barack Obama's speech to the United Nations today had some positive aspects. He gave lip service to freedom of the individual and political rights.But overall, the speech was more of the same, that whatever the United States has done right, was just making up for...