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Blogging Tag

Ezra Klein, who organized the Journolist and now blogs at The Washington Post, declares that the expose by The Daily Caller has descended from tragedy into farce.The proof? Klein feels that The Daily Caller is not disclosing enough of the e-mails, which Klein feels would...

I'll admit it, I was wrong about The Daily Caller when I called it a failure several months ago.In the past months The Daily Caller has done a good job on a variety of issues, particularly exposing the Journolist, a group of liberal mainstream media...

Once again, someone is using the username "Legal Insurrection" to post comments elsewhere, this time at FoxNation. For the record, that person is not me, and is not authorized to use the name "Legal Insurrection."The last time, it was as HuffPo, and I convinced...

to allow trolls, that is the question. For example, the Regular Troll: This guy is openly 180-degrees opposed to the purpose and/or ideological orientation of the blog. Whatever you're for, he's against, and vice-versa. If you're doing a free-market blog about tax policy, he's yelling...

I've started posting a Video of the Day in the sidebar.Would appreciate input on:Do you find this to be a good feature?Does it slow down the site?Send suggested entries! (contact -at- legalinsurrection -dot- com)--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

TaxProf blog has posted the latest law professor blog rankings, and I'm heartened to see that I have moved up to No. 7 in visitors and No. 8 in page views (on a trailing 12 month basis).But traffic statistics are just one measurement, and can be...

Didn't make the Top 25 Conservatives on Twitter.  Or the 100 Conservatives Most Hated By The Left.  Or even the People Minnesota Liberals Hate Most.But thanks to Dan Collins, I have a special place reserved on the Island of Misfit Bloggers.Also known as, A Place...

Wow, just received a "preview" of Wikio's new Law ranking category, and guess who is No. 2?.nobrtable br { display: none }1SCOTUSblog2Legal Insurrection3TaxProf Blog4The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times5Above the Law6Concurring Opinions7PrawfsBlawg8Sentencing Law and Policy9Of Arms and the Law10Truth on the Market11Technology & Marketing...

Markos Moulitsas, the founder of Daily Kos, has accused Research 2000 of defrauding Daily Kos in conducting research polling.The accusation is about as inflammatory as one can get. For professional pollsters, a reputation for fairness and accuracy is everything.The damage to Research 2000 will be...

...Derived from the Yiddish Kozebupkes: Bupkis(History of L'Affaire Weigel here, and of the secretive JournoList here)--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

If you were around here Saturday, you would have seen my post regarding this blog's first fundraising drive. You also may notice that I've added "Donate" buttons in the left sidebar.My hope is to get professional help (boy, do I need it) ...

As those of you who have been following this blog for a while know, I have long contemplated changes to the blog to make it more user friendly.Every time I try to think through a change, I put it aside because I really, really have...

The Times of London and the Sunday Times are among my favorite sources of news, and I have linked to them very frequently.But now I must say good-bye.Beginning a couple of days ago, The Times group turned off the free TimesOnline and went behind a...

One of my daughters is graduating college today. And she has a job! So one less tuition to pay, and she's almost off my payroll. It feels like 5 O'clock, all day: -------------------------------------------- Related Posts: Sunday Morning Dance Party Early Sunday Morning In New York Follow me on Twitter and Facebook ...

He put his son's education ahead of a blockbuster blog post, Rabbi sat on Thomas scoop as webmaster-son took exams:When veteran journalist Helen Thomas made inflammatory remarks about Israel, the comments weren't captured by a major news organization. Instead, a rabbi and his 17-year-old son...

John Hawkins uses a highly scientific (this quarter), extraordinarily accurate (this quarter), exquisitely methodical (this quarter) formula for picking his quarterly Top 40 Best Conservative Blogs.Given that science prevailed (this quarter), Legal Insurrection is ranked No. 13.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

With news that blogger Nate Silver has been hired by The NY Times, and with the dream of an independent progressive blogosphere fading as fast as Obama's approval ratings, I wondered whether The NY Times would hire me to blog for it. Unlikely. My first post...

So says Chris Bowers of OpenLeft, on the occasion of the hiring of Nate Silver by The New York Times (what possibly could go wrong?):Only five years ago, the progressive political blogosphere was still predominately a gathering place for amateur (that is, unpaid or barely...