Fordham v. Coulter week at College Insurrection
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Fordham v. Coulter week at College Insurrection

Fordham v. Coulter week at College Insurrection

Fordham Republicans v. Coulter:

The College Republicans regret the controversy surrounding our planned lecture featuring Ann Coulter. The size and severity of opposition to this event have caught us by surprise and caused us to question our decision to welcome her to Rose Hill… We hope the University community will forgive the College Republicans for our error and continue to allow us to serve as its main voice of the sensible, compassionate, and conservative political movement that we strive to be. We fell short of that standard this time, and we offer our sincere apologies.

McShane, Fr., concurring:

Late yesterday, Fordham received word that the College Republicans, a student club at the University, has rescinded its lecture invitation to Ann Coulter.

Allow me to give credit where it is due: the leadership of the College Republicans acted quickly, took responsibility for their decisions, and expressed their regrets sincerely and eloquently. Most gratifying, I believe, is that they framed their decision in light of Fordham’s mission and values. There can be no finer testament to the value of a Fordham education and the caliber of our students.

 Brandeis, J., dissenting:

If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence.

Joining in the dissent:

Amicus Briefs filed:

Closing argument:

Related reading:


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The republicans caved in again to the totally lawless left.

Sorry to be so negative but it’s “done”. I’ll gladly help if anyone can convince me otherwise.If “freedom of speech” is being repressed, what chance do we have over the next four years? (Assuming that there is a “next four years”)

I’m impressed: caving to totalitarians and bullies is a prerequisite for grown-up Republicans but is normally not a fully developed trait until after the noxious idealism of youth is past. Congratulations to Fordham for being so effective in teaching essential professional skills to our future political class!

“We hope the University community will forgive the College Republicans for our error.”

I see that buckling isn’t good or complete enough. They had to buckle AND apologize. They’d be on their way to a good Republican future — if they had a future anymore in America.

JackRussellTerrierist | November 17, 2012 at 10:23 am

The college ‘pubs group makes me puke. What they said almost reads like satire or a parody. God, how disgusting.

McShane had time to address the rhetoric of a pop-culture pundit like Coulter but doesn’t have time to address the positions of a ‘recognized’ academic like Singer?

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil:
God will not hold us innocent.
Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
— Deitrich Bonhoeffer

A Jesuit shamed by a Lutheran!

Ann Coulter disgusts Fr. McShane, but Peter Singer doesn’t. And even if he is disgusted by an advocate of infanticide, sadly Fr. McShane would never say so publicly.

[…] Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has “Fordham v. Coulter week at College Insurrection” and frankly, there were a lot of really great posts up today at LI to choose […]