Best Tweet of the Year
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Best Tweet of the Year

Best Tweet of the Year

The Best Tweet of the Year competition was really, really tough. There were so many great tweets arising out of the Occupy Wall Street protests that it could have been its own category.  Not surprisingly, Obama also was a hot topic.

I excluded from consideration tweets regarding the Republican primary candidates; since I’m not neutral on that topic any tweets I chose would have been considered a political choice.  The last thing I would want is to see the Tweet of the Year selection process, with the tremendous prestige and publicity which accompanies the winner, politicized like the Nobel Peace Prize.

All of the winners appeared in posts at Legal Insurrection, which you can view by clicking on the “link” under the image, if you want to see background and context.

1st Place – Iowahawkblog – Pretty much sums up the absurdity of Obama.  On the one hand, Obama with great bluster and fanfare invoked the spirit of Teddy Roosevelt in setting the theme for his 2012 campaign.  On the other hand, Obama hardly is the heroic figure charging into real battle, more like the teenager who runs up the credit card charges at the mall buying presents for friends and leaves others to pay.


2nd Place – AlisonKosikCNN – This tweet by a CNN reporter about the purpose of the Occupy Wall Street protests caught her a lot of trouble.  Click the link for details.  She ended up deleting the tweet and apologizing.  But the tweet captured the essence of the OWS movement at its inception


3rd Place – Tie –  I could not decide between these two.  The first, by LI reader DDsModernLife, is based upon a reader comment about media bias in reporting jobs numbers.  The second, by Justin Hart, concerned the reaction in Wisconsin upon learning that the recall efforts to take back the state Senate had fallen short; how could I not have a tweet about the lunacy in Wisconsin as one of the award winners?



Runners Up:













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This one is my favorite of the year… it’s about a Republican candidate I’ve never promoted, but it’s a classic:!/iowahawkblog/status/82866453308649474

You 3rd Place finisher is my number one … the reality of that remark says it all.

I live where “unemployment” is still calculated at 8-9%, while the reality is closer to 25 – 50% depending upon age group.

Detroit is a prime example of Obama’s “recovery” … when no one else can apply for unemployment benefits, some one will claim it is “recovery.”

And nothing will have changed one whit.

    Aridog in reply to Aridog. | December 30, 2011 at 9:13 am

    Oh, yes … the O-bots fail to notice that what “recovery” there has been in Detroit over the past 20+ years has been the doing of those wretched rich guys like Karmanos, Illitch, and lately, Gilbert.

    We gotta be sure we tax those 1 percenters out of that bad habit.

Thanks so much for including my tweet! I really appreciate it – just so I can rub Jonah Goldberg’s face in it! jk.. Have a great New Year..

Wow! A great collection of classic tweets!

As former Congressman Anthony Weiner must have thought: “Who would have guessed one little tweet would go so far?”

Not surprised Iowahawk was your first choice. There’s no one funnier on the intertubez.

Not one of Andy Levy’s??? boooo He had the best wars going on, him and Breitbart 🙁

[…] Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion has announced the winners of its competition for the best tweet of the year. To no one’s surprise, David Burge (aka Iowahawk) took first prize. […]