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Wuhan Coronavirus Tag

The press and Democratic politicians continue to wage war on common sense in the name of control. Coronavirus death rates are declining, and the medical system can handle more severe cases. California Governor Gavin Newsom is rolling back the economic reopening, which will severely hurt many small businesses that were beginning to recover from the initial shutdowns.

I believe education is the most local issue. I'm not even talking state or city. Education should be up to the school districts. But we have a Department of Education, which thinks America could reopen schools in the fall. The left has demonized President Donald Trump and Secretary Betsy DeVos, yet it seems a few pediatricians agree with them.

For months the Centers for Disease Control has been pressing social distancing guidelines on the nation to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The recommendations include standing at least 6 feet apart, wearing masks, and using hand sanitizer generously. All of these rules were thrown out the window by Black Lives Matter protesters as they marched and demonstrated. Furthermore, pillagers and rioters were likely ignoring infection control measures as they tore down statues, burned buildings, and looted stores.

100% of the participants I questioned today in my in-person poll agree with the following statement: I am so over COVID. Clearly, Americans across the country are becoming more aware that the Wuhan coronavirus is substantially less lethal than initially feared. A recent study by researchers at Wake Forest found that between 12-14% of people tested in North Carolina have antibodies for the coronavirus, which indicates that they have been exposed to the virus and showed little or no symptoms.

Butler County, in Ohio, Sheriff Richard Jones announced he would not enforce the health department's mask mandate:
“I can tell you this – I am not the mask police. I am not going to enforce any mask-wearing. That is not my responsibility. That is not my job. People should be able to make those choices themselves,” the sheriff said during an impromptu press conference on Facebook Live.