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Wuhan Coronavirus Tag

If you're a political / news junkie like me, you have been inundated with coronavirus doom and gloom of late.  From the media's relentless TDS that has turned them into scruffy sandwich-board doomsday prophets to news of stay-at-home orders and various lock-downs, we can easily get caught up in the panic and despair ourselves.

I went to Walmart early this morning, hoping to pick up a few things before the crowds arrived. The bad news is the shelves were really picked over, frighteningly so, and not just for food. The good news is the aisles were filled with wrapped pallets of food and assorted other things, with workers feverishly unpacking and shelving items. Seems I got there just a little too early.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced nationwide lockdown measures late Friday as British health authorities registered a spike in Wuhan Coronavirus deaths. UK's National Health Service (NHS) reported 40 Coronavirus related deaths on Friday, the biggest single day jump yet, taking the overall death toll to 177.