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Wuhan Coronavirus Tag

As the rest of the world battles a deadly pandemic, the media elites suffer from an acute case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.  It's so acute, that they are seemingly completely focused on tearing down the president at this time of national (and global) crisis.  It's a losing strategy, but it's the only thing they can manage.

If you don't live in upstate NY, you may not realize how horrible a Governor Andrew Cuomo is. Upstate, a huge region north and west of New York City, is Republican territory, and has been in revolt against Cuomo's outrageous gun control SAFE Act for years. Almost every upstate county has, in an ultimately futile but symbolic act, rejected the SAFE Act.

On March 20, Fuzzy blogged that the plastic bag bans could backfire during the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic because the reusable totes harbor germs and bacteria. San Francisco reversed its 13-year ban on plastic bags. Now the liberal city banned reusable grocery totes!

I use the Grammarly plugin extension on Chrome. I use it to edit pieces on here along with grammar on other sites. I edited my piece "MSM Can No Longer Ignore Theory That Wuhan Coronavirus Spread From a Chinese Lab Accident" and Grammarly told me not to use Wuhan coronavirus because it "can encourage bias and misinformation."