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Wuhan Coronavirus Tag

Modeling can analyze data about complex systems and make predictions. But the predictive value of computer modeling is hampered by the fact that models are only as good as the assumptions and statistics behind them.

The MSM will likely shove this news to the back page because God forbid they acknowledge they jumped the gun when it comes to anti-malarial medicine hydroxychloroquine. They did it last Friday! Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said during his daily briefing that he wants President Donald Trump's administration to increase the hydroxychloroquine because tests at New York hospitals show promise.

Across the country, medical professionals working in coronavirus hotspots have endured a lot. From anxieties about the availability of critical supplies to the tremendous emotional toll of seeing so much suffering, these healthcare workers have been through more than most of us can even imagine. After an exhausting shift, cooking a meal for themselves seems daunting.

Having reported news for almost six years, I seldom become a subject of it myself. Yesterday was one such rare exception as I was repatriated from South Africa to Germany.

Queen Elizabeth II just gave a pre-recorded address to Britain, which of course was broadcast around the world. As you would expect, the Queen displayed that famous English stiff upper lip and sense of understatement, much as she did during World War II. It was only her fourth such speech since assuming the throne on February 6, 1952.