Winston Churchill’s Christmas Eve Message To America (1941)
"This is a strange Christmas Eve. Almost the whole world is locked in deadly struggle...
"This is a strange Christmas Eve. Almost the whole world is locked in deadly struggle...
"For her to accuse President Trump of being like Hitler is the worst thing I ever heard in my 75 years of living in the United States." ...
The bomb caused runway damage and cancelled 80 flights. Thankfully it did not hurt anyone....
"a guest historian named Darryl Cooper casually presented a surprising number of flawed theories"...
The audience erupted with chants of "USA" after war hero announced, "If President Trump was back as commander in chief, I would go back and reenlist today."...
Did you know Biden has known Putin for 40 years?...
"You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you."...
A true hero who survived the Arizona and being shot down later in World War II, Lou Conter served his his country long and admirably. May he rest in peace....
After VA plan to erase WWII history from VA facilities causes massive public backlash, VA almost instantly reverses course without any explanation...
Remember, if you ever fought against Russia, you're a hero...
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