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Wisconsin Tag

I've read so far is from Bob Costa of National Review:Walker knows that his Badger State battles have only begun. Facing down on-the-lam Democrats — and winning — was a relief; closing a $3.6 billion budget gap will be a higher-order task.Earlier this month, Walker...

I'll be in meetings most of the day, so I will not be able to follow the planned return of the Fleebagger14 to Madison, and the protests planned.I'm sure they will be "massive."Comments will be put through, so please feel free to keep each other...

The failure of Democrats in Wisconsin to stop passage of a budget repair bill, including a scaling back of public sector collective bargaining as to benefits, is being portrayed as a "gift" to Democrats and public sector unions.  The usual suspects are describing Gov. Scott...

There will be a vote in Wisconsin which will shake the political landscape of the nation.That vote is not today in the Wisconsin Assembly on the bill passed last night in the Senate restricting public employee union collective bargaining.That vote will not be in April, when there are...

Regardless of who emerges as the political winner or loser in Madison, Wisconsin, one thing is clear, law enforcement -- from the Madison police, to the Dane County Sheriff's office, to the Capitol and State police -- have lost credibility as neutral players in this political standoff.Time...

From news reports, it appears that a move is in process in the Wisconsin legislature to pass the collective bargaining reforms separately, and that the Democrats who fled to Illinois are racing back to try to stop it.  So we'll go to a Live Event...

A campaign by Think Progress to demonize and marginalize the Koch brothers has jumped the shark.No, I'm not referring to the cretin who posted a comment here calling me a "Koch whore."No, I'm not referring to the theft of David Koch's identity by a liberal blogger.No,...

Ann Althouse has been observing the revolution in Madison (brought to you by PEU™) and correctly observes that the Wisconsin protesters are losing their grip on reality.It's not just the protesters.The supporters of the Wisconsin protesters in the left-blogosphere also are losing their grip on reality.Witness...

Thanks to a commenter to my post More Police Insurrection In Madison for this clip of a caller to a Wisconsin talk show about the conduct of police unions in the current protests:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

I wrote this weekend about the Madison, Wisconsin policeman who appeared in front of the protesters in the Capitol rotunda, while wearing police insignia, and announced that he would side with the protesters against the Governor, and how other policemen announced that they would not...

I have refrained from using that word so far, but the conduct of this mob towards one of Wisconsin's Republican State Senators who was trying to enter the Capitol building is a reflection of a lawless mentality which has been rampant in Madison, and aided...

Public Policy Polling (PPP) is a long-time Democratic pollster, which last year became the official pollster for DailyKos.PPP is prolific in its polling, with new polls released almost daily.  I have linked to PPP's polls in the past.  PPP has a good knack for finding...

Paul Krugman (emphasis mine):I don’t watch cable news, or actually any kind of TV news. But I gather that there’s a virtual blackout on the huge demonstrations in Wisconsin, except on Fox, which portrays them as thuggish and violent.What that makes me think of is...

My first reaction to news that the police in Madison went back on their intention to clear the state Capitol of overnight protesters was one of indignation.  This certainly seemed like a manifestation of the police union intent to side with their fellow union protesters...