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Wisconsin Tag

The legal situation in Wisconsin is a mess.  Judge Maryann Sumi preemptively issued a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) which she thought (see below) would stop the publication of the budget repair bill, and therefore prevent the bill from becoming law.  This was an unprecedented move, and none...

The Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB) in Wisconsin has published the budget repair bill which is subject to a TRO against the Secretary of State.The LRB felt that the law could be published, and take effect tomorrow [see Update], because the LRB was not a named...

Supporters of Democrats making death threats against Republican legislators? Snooze.Democratic protesters chasing down and cornering a Republican state Senator outside the State House? Snooze.A Democratic blogger engaging in possible identity theft in order to embarrass the Governor? Snooze.Democratic Senators fleeing to another state to prevent...

In addition to the central donation site linked in a prior post, Wisconsin Republicans have set up The Recall Integrity Center (h/t Chris Cillizza):The Recall Integrity Center provides an outlet for those who have been unfairly targeted by the far left.Please submit videos, recordings, and...

The other day I posted a link to the Wisconsin Republican Party web page for donating to help defend against recall efforts.A new web portal has been established, Frontline Wisconsin.As described by JSOnline:The Republican Party of Wisconsin has created a political conduit to assist the...

The Wisconsin Attorney General filed an emergency application requesting that the Wisconsin Court of Appeals vacate a Temporary Restraining Order issued by Judge Maryann Sumi prohibiting the Secretary of State from publishing the budget repair bill passed by the legislature and signed by Gov. Scott Walker.The...

Via JSOnline (emphasis mine):The Committee to Elect a Republican Senate (CERS), the main campaign committee for Senate Republicans, is trying to raise money for the eight Republicans who face a recall."We are in the midst of a crucial time," a fund-raising letter says. "CERS is waging...

The Court decision granting a TRO halting publication of the Wisconsin budget repair bill was profoundly wrong for the reasons I previously have stated, and will not repeat here.One interesting fact is that the Wisconsin Senate Rule relied upon by Republicans was in fact drafted...

A Wisconsin Circuit Court Judge has issued a Temporary Restraining Order preventing the publication (i.e. implementation) of the budget repair bill.I have not seen the opinion yet -- it is unclear whether there is a written opinion or this was issued orally from the bench...

It is not surprising that there would be an enthusiasm gap in Wisconsin, with the national unions pouring substantial funds and efforts into recalling Republican Senators and eventually Gov. Scott Walker.  The efforts are not only monetary, but also through physical and other intimidation, such...

Sam Stein of HuffPo has important, breaking news:  Scott Walker has not changed since he ran for student body President in 1988 at Marquette -- Walker took on the crowds and the newspaper editors then, just as he does now:Several days removed from the budget battle that roiled...

That statement about public employee union attitudes towards government fiscal health resulted in a county board chairman in Wisconsin being forced to step down (via JSOnline):Charles Rayala's resignation as Vilas County board chairman was made official at Tuesday's monthly board meeting - a decision he made as...

GUEST POST by Matthew Knee:Professor Jacobson asked me to comment on the DKos/PPP poll regarding big labor's recall efforts in Wisconsin. The questions are mostly fine, but I have a few thoughts on the results that might be helpful.Wisconsin recalls do not work like the...

Thanks to a reader in Wisconsin for sending me this link to a press release from the Recall Jim Holperin Committee and video posted at the website of conservative talk show host Charlie Sykes, regarding intimidation efforts directed against Republicans seeking signatures on recall petitions against one...