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US Supreme Court Tag

The U.S. Supreme Court, with only Justice Sotomayor dissenting, handed the Trump administration a win, staying a lower court order that had required the government to continue the Census count through the end of this month.

Hey, Democrats. You cannot "gotcha" Judge Amy Coney Barrett. Sen. Amy Klobuchar kept trying to push Barrett to explain why she doesn't consider Roe v. Wade as "super-precedent," which means it's untouchable or unshakable. Barret explained her position, but also reminded Klobuchar that even progressive scholars don't consider the abortion law as "super-precedent."

Democrats and their media cohorts are scrambling to figure out what to do about Joe Biden's self-inflicted court packing problem. Biden, as we noted yesterday, not only asserted that American voters "don't deserve" to know where he stands on court packing but made the absurd statement that Republicans are "court packing" by lawfully filling an open seat on the Supreme Court.  A move Biden ludicrously claims is "not constitutional."