Supreme Court leaves North Carolina 6-day ballot extension in place
6-day extension, beyond the three days allowed by statute, means mail-in ballots can be counted in key swing state up to 9 days after election day, November 12.
Another loss tonight in the Supreme Court for those who believe, as the Constitution requires, that state legislatures and not state bureaucrats or other elected officials make the rules for federal elections.
The U.S. Supreme Court has denied an emergency injunction seeking to restore North Carolina’s statutory requirement that mail-in ballots be received within three days after election day, and rejecting the 6-day extension (so 9 days total) imposed by state election officials.
The only dissents noted were from Thomas, Gorsuch, and Alito. Barrett did not participate.
From the Order:
The application for injunctive relief presented to THECHIEF JUSTICE and by him referred to the Court is denied. JUSTICE BARRETT took no part in the consideration or decision of this application.
JUSTICE THOMAS would grant the application.
JUSTICE GORSUCH, with whom JUSTICE ALITO joins, dissenting from denial of application for injunctive relief.
This summer, the General Assembly of North Carolina adopted new election laws expressly designed to address the challenges COVID posed to a fast-approaching election. Among other things, the General Assembly reduced the witness requirement for absentee ballots from two witnesses to one, N. C. Sess. Laws 2020–17 §1.(a); freed up more individuals to staff polling centers, §1. b); created a mechanism to allow voters to track their ballots, §3.(a); enabled voters to request absentee ballots online, §7.(a); and increased funding to ensure the State’s in-person and absentee voting infrastructure could withstand “the coronavirus pandemic,” §11.1(a)–(f ). At the same time, the General Assembly judged it appropriate to retain certain other existing election rules, like the State’s deadline for the receipt of absentee ballots. Accordingly, under state law, absentee ballots must be postmarked on or before election day, and they must be received “not later than three days after” election day. N. C. Gen. Stat. Ann. §163–231(b)(2)b (2019).
Despite the General Assembly’s considered judgment about the appropriate response to COVID, other state actors—including the State Board of Elections—recently chose to issue their own additional and supplemental set of amendments to state election laws. Relevant here, they purported to extend the absentee ballot receipt deadline by six days, up to November 12….
In the Fourth Circuit, Judges Wilkinson, Agee, and Niemeyer thoughtfully explained the Board’s constitutional overreach and the broader problems with last-minute election-law-writing-by-lawsuit. As they observed, efforts like these not only offend the Elections Clause’s textual commitment of responsibility for election lawmaking to state and federal legislators, they do damage to faith in the written Constitution as law, to the power of the people to oversee their own government, and to the authority of legislatures. Such last-minute changes by largely unaccountable bodies, too, invite confusion, risk altering election outcomes, and in the process threaten voter confidence in the results.
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Will George Soros win after all?
Soros just might be the anti-Christ.
Oops… no intent to down-vote.
No, Soro’s would be a piker compared to the anti-Christ…
Rut Roh, someone’s going to make the Deep State Dips angry….
BREAKING: The U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals has struck down Minnesota’s seven-day extension for absentee ballots, saying all absentee ballots must now be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day, Nov. 3. – KARE
Robert’s gamble isn’t going to pay off. #SCOTUS will be forced to provide some semblance of uniformity for these ruling immediately after the election, including potentially excluding ballots that were cast w/o statutory compliance.
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Josh Caplan
· 1h
FOX 9: 8th Circuit Court of Appeals rules Minnesota absentee ballots must be received by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day to be counted
Rapper Lil Wayne Meets with and Endorses Trump — HUGE PRESENCE IN BLACK CULTURE — 34 MILLION FOLLOWERS!
You mean it is just fine to violate the Statute?
Then why do we have them???
To control conservatives.
Laws are for the peasantry.
If you can call random edicts “laws”.
I don’t understand all these decisions are all over the place, no in WI, yes in PA, yes here
Can we vote everyday for 4 years?
No kidding. Let’s make it a pure democracy 24/7/365. Leap years will be awesome – an extra day to vote!
You are exactly right. I don’t get it either. Is Roberts a schizo or just high on dope?
Whatever the Deep State has on him must be as bad or worse than that on the Bidens.
If you do some Google research, you can find a lengthy article suggesting some possible irregularities in the adoption of two children from Ireland.
This is John Roberts’ latest gambit to deliver the country into the hands of the Communists.
Any ballots received after Election Day are fraudulent and invalid. Period.
Nothing bad is going to happen. SCOTUS just promised that everything will be fine while opening the door for gross abuse of voting rights. The Chinese are getting so much more mileage for their viral attack then I bet they ever anticipated.
Bob, I am in Anchorage.
How about you?
To Anyone In The Know,
What judicial authority does the federal government have over the states in investigating voter fraud? In recollecting early attempts by the DOJ to investigate voter fraud, states such as California refused to participate and made efforts to derail past attempts to investigate voter fraud much the same way they do with illegal alien sanctuary status.
What measures provide assurance to me as a citizen of one state that votes cast in another state for federal office are not cast fraudulently?
So, it looks like, without Amy, it’s a 5-3 decision. And that means Kavanaugh is our latest squish. Well, he’s been prepping a year for this role.
So on a critical issue like this, the court now seems to be 5-4 liberal, assuming ACB would have dissented. What about the months of moaning over 6-3 conservative? With PA and NC now compromised, the president’s chances do not look too good, although perhaps the riots in Philadelphia might wake that state up.
If Barrett is on the Court, how can she not participate?
I could be mistaken but I believe since the court had already heard the case before ACB joined the court she was prevented from ruling on it.
“Another loss tonight in the Supreme Court for those who believe, as the Constitution requires, that state legislatures and not state bureaucrats or other elected officials make the rules for federal elections.”
The “liberal” justices, in the end prefer an endlessly expanding administrative state.
Roberts, it seems, prefers a cirsumscribed, deferential court, so goes out of his way to find rationalizations for non-intervention … usually in land grabs and expansions of authoritah by the endlessly expanding administrative state.
So maybe Barrett should start participating? Take the training wheels off already.
Can The Supremes write an opinion that tells people what they’d need to get the thing they want:
“If you want to do that, write a law that says…”
“Hey, if you want a ‘right to privacy’ that encompasses abortion, write an amendment that enumerates a ‘right to privacy’ like the other rights in the bill of … rights. BTW, maybe consider other privacy from govt intrusion that might be included in that right to privacy that supports abortion.”
And right on schedule, Kavanaugh takes a sudden left turn.
Many have predicted exactly that.
I have found my mind turning of late. I am not sure it’s a left versus right dichotomy anymore. It’s turning more into an us versus them sort of thing. What is neo-feudalism? Where is that on the left/right spectrum?
Let’s be happy that April 15 Tax day is no longer valid, you have weeks after now. Right?
Thomas is even more of a treasure than I realized. Apparently good Supreme Court justices are rare indeed.
Such last-minute changes by largely unaccountable bodies, too, invite confusion, risk altering election outcomes, and in the process threaten voter confidence in the results.
That’s a feature, not a bug.
I have been thinking about the screamers hitting on “originalist” “constitutionalist” interpretation is “racist/sexist/etc.”
Sexist: “Women couldn’t vote until 19th amendment in 1920…..”
No, that is not correct. In Wyoming women could vote, and did, in the 1890’s under states rights. State Motto, Equal Rights.
Too bad your state sucks…. try fixing the state.
State Rights is originalist constitution. A good thing. (TM)
The real problem here is when a State’s Rights interfere with Federal level actions, in other words InterState Commerce.
If N.C. wants to vote 24/7 for any N.C State positions…. well, go for it. As a business I will not choose to go there.
But If N.C. interferes in the Federal Election that is different.
I hope this mess starts to separate Federal and State back to very originalist law.
ACB has plenty of time to help us fix this starting Nov 4.
Roberta no longer need worry about the court’s 5-4 decisions harming its credibility; it no longer has any to harm.
Roberts. Oh, for an edit button.
Close enough.
The court appears to be institutionalizing voter fraud, and in doing so violates the Constitution itself.
Soros has already won in many states – with Soros sponsored Secretaries of State lined up to influence the counting.
This could just be a reflection on which states the left thinks are close enough to steal. That would indicate they think Wisconsin is a lock (one way or the other).