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United Nations Tag

As detailed here many times, there are just as many Jewish refugees from Arab countries as there are Arab refugees from Israel.  The Jewish refugess are the refugees whose name the United Nations dare not speak. Israel finally is starting to put on the table the...

How long before the U.N. demands Bernie Madoff be appointed head of the Securities and Exchange Commission: In what one critic called a move akin to placing Bernie Madoff in charge of thwarting fraud on the stock market, Iran has been elected as one of the...

UN monitors flee protest when Assad forces open fire: Syrian security forces opened fire Wednesday on anti-regime demonstrators surrounding the cars of a UN team meant to monitor a shaky cease-fire, sending the observers speeding off and protesters dashing for cover, according to activists and amateur...

It doesn't know any better, it lives for self-parody, UN rights council delves into US voter I.D. laws: The controversy over requiring voters to provide photo IDs has reached the world stage. The United  Nations Human Rights Council is investigating the issue of American election  laws at its...

From The Daily News: Santa won't bother going to poor countries this year, so the United Nations Children's Fund will go instead -- or at least that's the message behind a satirical new UNICEF advertisement released in Sweden...

It's been a while since I've been able to post a good Stuxnet story.  Stuxnet, you will recall, is the malicious malware which has plagued the Iranian nuclear program and which is blamed -- without proof -- on Israel. The PJ Tatler notes that an Iranian attempt this...

when they are talking amongst themselves or to Arabic media, and what they are saying is that the state they seek from the U.N. is just the first step in the destruction of Israel, as stated by Fatah Central Committee Member Abbas Zaki (h/t Israel Matzav)(emphasis...

Benjamin Netanyahu's full speech at the U.N. today was a masterpiece. It is available at the U.N. website.  Listen to the whole thing, it's about 45 minutes. Here is a clip of most of it: Contrast it with the delusional and dishonest speech of Mahmoud Abbas at the U.N....

Carl at Israel Matzav has given Mahmoud Abbas, aka Abu Mazen, the nickame "Abu Bluff." The trip by Abbas to the U.N. this week ostensibly to obtain recognition of a Palestinian state is another bluff.  Abbas doesn't even have the support of his own people, as Hamas which controls...

One lie is that there is a historically and ethnically distinct Palestinian people, but that lie is so well established that it is beyond argument now.  Even if Palestinian nationalism was a fiction created in the last few decades as a tool against Israel, that horse has...

Via NRO, Anti-Israel Durban Declaration Reaffirmed: On Thursday, Western negotiators at the U.N. caved in to the demands of envoys from Islamic states to renew a modern-day form of the decades-long U.N. smear campaign alleging that the Jewish state is racist. Diplomats agreed on a new...

The United States will be boycotting the "Durban III" conference:The US on Wednesday announced it will not attend the 10-year commemoration of a global UN conference on combating racism because past meetings have included “ugly displays of intolerance and anti-Semitism.”The Obama administration made the announcement...

Nothing really has changed at the U.N., even though General Assembly Resolution 3379 eventually was repealed.  From Durban to Durban II to the sick joke that is the U.N. Human Rights Council, the Palestinian agenda always has been about denying Israel's legitimacy, and the U.N. has...