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Joseph Cannon was one of the first and most vocal to claim that Andrew Breitbart either directly or through others had set up Anthony Weiner by hacking and/or spoofing the original tweet last Friday night which set off the firestorm.Cannon's theory of how Weiner was...

(By Michael Alan)Earlier this week, DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz told CNN that Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY) is dealing with "a personal matter." That "personal matter" includes not knowing "with certitude" whether or not the, er, picture that was tweeted to a 21 year old college...

I was in the car almost all day.Have the facts about Weiner's tweet been exposed yet?--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:Think Progress  is reeling from being punked by the Navy Seal Anchor Baby hoax.  But Think Progress needs to earn its keep, so it soldiers on.Think Progress continues its the never-ending quest...

The appetizer from someone of enormous intellect:"As president, Barack Obama would be a genuine uniter."Now on to the main course:I noted yesterday, to the surprise of many readers, that Obama's 60 Minutes appearance was his best yet, and that the bin Laden killing was Obama's finest...

We've seen the Twitter Death Wishes for Sarah Palin and Scott Walker, now it's Donald Trump's turn:For the third time, The Question of the Day, is:Why do these people, many of whom are professionals, feel no fear in expressing such death wishes in the open?(h/t to...

She's attacking me, but in fact makes a complete fool of herself, which seems to be her specialty.Details in an update to Kathleen's prior post, Meghan McCain.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

From The Corner: she is almost entirely a creature of liberals who want to use her as a prop to discredit and attack conservatives. I gather Meghan thinks she is some kind of youth recruiter for a hipper form of conservatism or Republicanism or something. I...

Republicans in the Wisconsin legislature do not need a 3/5ths quorum to pass non-budgetary legislation.Gov. Scott Walker previously rejected calls to pass the collective bargaining provisions of the budget bill separately.  Walker's reasoning was that while the collective bargaining provisions in isolation may not be budgetary, they...

There's a reason this blog is called Legal Insurrection.  An insurrection by definition is illegal, but that is exactly what some police union members in Wisconsin have threatened in support of fellow public sector unions.The video below show a policeman (presumably off-duty but wearing what looks like a...

After yesterday's speech by Hosni Mubarek, I noted: "Things will be interesting. I can't imagine the situation will stay stable until September."Well I was right, although I didn't predict Mubarek would resign the next day.But it has happened, and now the military controls Egypt.I repeat...

Thanks to @DDsModernLife for pointing out this comment by reader A. Dumas, in response to my post Houdini Economics:--------------------------------------------Related Posts:SOTU Speech In One SentenceExclusive - First Draft of Obama's SOTU Speech Jewish History In One Sentence Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube Visit the Legal Insurrection...