It’s a, um, a European, um, wedding toast training, um, ping ponging, um, partying like it’s 2008, whatever….
This tweet is making waves on our side of the pond:
He doesn’t need a Medicare plan, because he got bin Laden.
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Pawlenty Shoots, He Scores! the sportscaster screams..
Since Obamacare passed, all Americans have health care from that. Medicare is just wasteful, redundant spending.
This is nothing but abject racism, trying to taint the president with the long-held, bigoted notion that black people don't have plans for saving medicare. What next? A Klan rally?
Bwahahahahahahahaa !!!
Oooh. I hate to say it, but that was a very Trump-esque thing to say. You can attack the president without getting nasty. A "pub crawl"? Come on, governor.
Considering that he made a media spectacle of visiting an Irish Pub in his 'ancestral' home-town, he kinda deserved it.
Maybe he should have waited until he had the president in a captive audience and belittled him there with the cameras running.