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Trump Russia Tag

The Department of Justice Inspector General released his long-awaited report into former FBI director James Comey's handling of sensitive investigative information and the way he handled certain memos. The IG found "no evidence" that Comey or his lawyers provided the media with classified information. However, the IG "concluded that Comey’s retention, handling, and dissemination of certain Memos violated Department and FBI policies, and his FBI Employment Agreement."

Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee announced on Friday they will begin a formal "impeachment investigation" against President Donald Trump due to former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's testimony. Chairman Jerry Nadler said the Democrats will ask for grand jury information related to Mueller's investigation. From Fox News:
Nadler called the grand jury materials “critically important” for their investigation. In the petition, Democrats on the committee noted that because Justice Department policies do not allow the prosecution of a sitting president, the House of Representatives is “the only institution of the federal government” that can hold Trump accountable.

My initial reaction to Robert Mueller's congressional appearance was one of pity. He was a pathetic character on the stage, seemingly bewildered at times, mentally frail, and vulnerable as a witness. What a way to end a career and to be remembered by friend and foe alike.

Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee and House Intelligence Committee on Wednesday on his report over Russian interference in the 2016 election. Mueller came across as dull with body language that showed he wanted to be somewhere else other than in front of Congress. He also told the representatives over 100 times to refer to his report or could not answer a question. Mueller did not give the left what they wanted, which has turned them against him.

Robert Mueller said to the Intelligence Committee that hackers Hillary received a lot of the same behavior from Russian hackers that Trump received:
Asked by Democratic Rep. Jim Himes which candidate Russian hacking was designed to benefit, Mueller answered Trump — but he added “there were instances where Hillary Clinton was subject to much the same behavior.”

Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified for over three and half hours in front of the House Judiciary Committee this morning where we learned nothing new. Now Mueller will testify over Volume I of his report in front of the House Intelligence Committee.

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) went after Robert Mueller over his conclusion that his team could not exonerate Trump on obstruction of justice:
Giving Mr. Mueller little chance to response, Mr. Ratcliffe said it was inappropriate for a prosecutor to try to exonerate someone. Pressing further, Mr. Ratcliffe asked Mr. Mueller if he could name another instance of the Justice Department stating that someone was not exonerated other than Mr. Trump "I cannot," Mr. Mueller said.