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Terrorism Tag

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:Usually, on Saturday nights I focus on the people who tear us apart by injecting race into politics, by manipulating our feelings, by seeking political gain from the worst...

I really hope my high school classmates don't plan to burn any Korans, or my name may be in a headline like this:Rush Limbaugh, Pastor Terry Jones Were High School ClassmatesTerry Jones, the Florida pastor threatening to burn a Koran tomorrow on the anniversary of...

I took yesterday off from blogging, and of course the big news broke that the Pastor in Florida was not going to set the world on fire (we think, not sure, he'll let us know for sure eventually) this Saturday by burning a load of...

Today is al-Quds Day, the day on which the anti-Israel rejectionist front hopes for the destruction of Israel and the liberation of Jerusalem.  On this day, Mahmood Ahmadinejad gave a speech in celebration of al-Quds Day declaring that "the Zionists are groups of hypocrite racists who have...

...Who's this guy saying nice things about Bush on our Iraq success bashing Bush over our economic failure?--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Obama's McChrystal Dilemma In One SentenceObama's Gulf Speech In One SentenceJewish History In One Sentence Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

The Eliminationist theorists in the left-wing blogosphere thought they finally had their man.  Having struck out with the Anti-Muslim Cabbie Stabber in the quest to prove that there is a rising tide of right-wing violence instigated by Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, and wingnuts, the Eliminationist theorists were cheered...

Since it appears that Anti-Muslim Cabbie Stabber Michael Enright had no connection to anti-Cordoba mosque groups, you knew the disappointed ones would search long and hard for a Tea Party connection.They prayed they would find something.  Anything.  And they did.Wait for it ...

Bill Sparkman.  Amy Bishop.  The Fort Hood Shooter.  The IRS Plane Crasher.  The Pentagon Shooter.People who had nothing to do with each other in the real world.  In the blogosphere, each of these people was linked by a macabre desire by the left-wing blogosphere to find a crime...

Not in New York City.  In Beirut, by other Muslims, following shooting between Shiite Hezbollah and Sunni militias:Shortly afterward, Shi’ite supporters of Hizbullah and sister organization Amal set fire to a Sunni mosque in the nearby neighborhood of Basta, according to an AP photographer.Salah, a...

Except that throughout much of the world, it is not.  Read Christopher Hitchens's post, A Test of Tolerance:Let us by all means make the "Ground Zero" debate a test of tolerance. But this will be a one-way street unless it is to be a test of...

From the Lebanese website Naharnet:"Israel once again penetrated Lebanon's mobile phone networks on Tuesday, sending text messages to citizens announcing a tangible reward for information about the fate of Israeli airman Ron Arad, NBN television reported." It is hard to believe that the Israelis actually...

On Friday, Barack Obama dropped a political bombshell with wide ranging implications for the U.S. war on terror and relations with the Muslim world.  Obama then disappeared from the domestic political scene, as a fury of recriminations reverberated throughout the political sphere and blogosphere.  Obama...

Ethan Bronner of The New York Times has a classic piece on the opening of a luxury mall in Gaza.How does one balance the endless propaganda that Gaza is a concentration camp and that Israelis are committing genocide, with the reality that Gaza exceeds most...

The Anti-Defamation League has come out against the building of a huge Islamic center and Mosque near Ground Zero.Here is the key passage from the ADL statement:Proponents of the Islamic Center may have every right to build at this site, and may even have chosen...

...for thinking that the election of David Cameron in Britain might make a real difference in the direction of British policy.I was wrong. In a speech in Ankara, Turkey, Cameron did his best imitation of Barack Obama's apology tour:... let me turn to the prejudiced...

I am not someone who tries to keep track of how many of my predictions have come true. That sort of gamesmanship by hindsight is beneath me.And I don't try to settle scores with people who criticize me. That would be petty.So it...