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Terrorism Tag

Iran and other rogue states are covertly working to acquire German technology for making nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, Germany's prominent intelligence agency confirmed on Friday. Tehran was using front companies to deceive German firms into selling dual-use equipment and sanctioned WMD technology, the intelligence service of Germany's Hesse state disclosed in its annual report.

Iran's growing aggression played a factor in Arab states reconsidering their policy towards Israel, a senior Emirati minister admitted. Iran's hostile behavior towards its Arab neighbors made them look at the Jewish State "with fresh eyes," UAE’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Anwar Gargash, said. The UAE, along with Bahrain, signed a historic peace agreement with Israel at a White House ceremony on September 15. 

Less than a week after the signing of the Israel-Arab peace accords, the Arab Gulf country of Bahrain has reported a foiled Iranian terrorist plot against diplomats and foreign nationals on its soil. Several suspects have been rounded up for planning a terrorist attack backed by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) -- Iranian regime's military and foreign terrorist arm, Reuters reported citing Bahrain's Interior Ministry.

French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has reprinted the Mohammed cartoons as the trials for the 2015 Islamic terror attack begins at a Paris court this week. "We will never lie down. We will never give up," magazine's editor Laurent "Riss" Sourisseau wrote in its latest edition.

Gaza-Based terrorist group Hamas is stepping up its campaign of ecological terrorism against Israel, launching explosives-laden balloons across the border. At least 45 fires were sparked by the incendiary balloons set off from Hamas-controlled territory, Israeli media reported on Wednesday.

A propaganda stunt turned into a major embarrassment for Iranian military after it accidentally sunk a fake U.S. aircraft carrier, blocking the country's main waterway, satellite imagery shows. "A replica US aircraft carrier that Iran struck with a barrage of missiles in a propaganda video less than a month and a half ago appears to have capsized in the Strait of Hormuz," Times of Israel reported on Friday. 

The Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit has vacated the death penalty against Boston Marathon Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, ordering a new penalty phase trial. The Court also reversed the underlying convictions on several relatively-minor gun possession counts.

The Israeli military on Monday foiled a cross border attack by Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist group along the Lebanon border. A group of armed terrorists crossed into Israel and were spotted by Israeli soldiers, who repelled the intruders, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed.

Israel is mobilizing troops along its northern border as tensions rise with Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist organization. The Israeli reinforcements along its border with Lebanon come in light of threats issued by Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah after Israel's Defense Forces (IDF) took out his operatives linked to an attack on Israeli troops across the Lebanese and Syrian border.

Baden-Württemberg became the first German state to ban the burqa and other Sharia-mandated full-face coverings from its schools, local newspapers reported on Wednesday. The southern German state already forbids teaching staff to wear such garbs.

The Islamic terror group Hezbollah is hoping for a Chinese bailout as Lebanon suffers its worst economic crisis in decades. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in a televised speech told his Lebanese followers to "look east" to Communist China for their economic rescue, media reports said.

The Islamic Republic of Iran remains the "world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism," the U.S. State Department's annual Country Reports on Terrorism declared. Tehran was "directly involved in plotting terrorism" though its armed wing, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps IRGC and other state-controlled agencies, and had carried out terrorist "plots in recent years in North and South America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa," found the counter-terrorism report released on June 24.

Iran has threatened the United States over its oil shipments to Venezuela. In a letter written to the United Nations chief Antonio Guterres on Sunday, Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif warned against "America's movements in deploying its navy to the Caribbean." Tehran believes that action will disrupt its oil supplies to the Latin American country.