Paper: ‘White Fragility’ Ideology is Tearing the Country Apart
"the use of the issue of racism by some people and/or groups is being ‘framed’ in such a way that it is used to leverage change, including the breakup of the country"...
"the use of the issue of racism by some people and/or groups is being ‘framed’ in such a way that it is used to leverage change, including the breakup of the country"...
"Labor-Based Grading Contracts: Building Equity and Inclusion in the Compassionate Writing Classroom"...
"to address racism and inequity in the justice system"...
"As a Board, we have reflected the Journal’s troubling history of marginalization"...
"state schools should represent (or at least not insult) the state’s taxpayers, who foot the bill"...
"Students will be able to choose which local activist groups to work with"...
“The response to our plan to preserve ISSI’s programs, while disbanding the institute itself, made clear that there has been insufficient prior consultation with faculty and other stakeholders”...
“infiltrated the highest level of the BSU administration”...
“When placing Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) within the context of our white supremacist society, the racial inequity and injustice at this institution is not surprising”...
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