Scott Brown | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 3
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Scott Brown Tag

Via The Boston Herald: U.S. Sen. Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren have clashed about taxes, jobs and small businesses as their race heats up under the national spotlight — but their skirmishing took a detour this week as the rivals traded barbs on a simple question...

Elizabeth Warren's daughter Amelia Warren Tyagi runs ACORN-successor Demos, which has promoted her mother's political ambitions for years. No surprise when Demos filed suit in May against Massachusetts, and then the Democrats who run the state promptly capitulated and agreed to unprecedented efforts to register welfare...

The lawsuit by Demos (an ACORN successor), which resulted in Massachusetts voluntarily taking the unprecedented step of mailing registration forms to almost 500,000 welfare recipients and other steps in welfare offices not required by law, is looking more and more like a pro-Elizabeth Warren set-up. The...

Elizabeth Warren's viral rant about evil factory owners who live off others has damaged the Obama campaign, which foolishly inserted similar language into the teleprompter which then was read by Obama. The "you didn't build that" narrative was more than a single line, it was an...

I have posted about Elizabeth Warren't Google search bar auto-fill problem both in the United States and Japan. I recently discovered the Google Insights for Search tool, which provides information gathered by Google based on search terms  As opposed to the auto-fill problem, this doesn't measure what...

Sympathetic reporters in the MSM are practically giddy that Elizabeth Warren's Cherokee problem has not hurt her fundraising. Warren's Second Quarter haul of $8.6 million brings her total fundraising to over $24 million.  In June, as Warren's obfuscation on the Cherokee issue was in full throttle and as she...

Will Elizabeth Warren escape accountability for telling what at best were tall tales and at worst lies about her Cherokee heritage? Will Warren get away with using her mystical heritage strategically to advance her career in a crafty way which provided her with (im)plausible deniability? Will the...

Keep calling attention to this video, over and over again, as part of an ethics complaint against Scott Brown, via Politico: The Massachusetts Democratic Party has filed an ethics complaint against Scott Brown, alleging that Brown has used official resources for campaign purposes. The complaint focuses on footage of...

Today seems to be a turning point in the Elizabeth Warren-Cherokee story.  Her shifting and implausible explanations have made her a laughing-stock, never good for any candidate.  Warren has lost the argument, and her credibility. Her story about why she listed herself as a minority on...

The Elizabeth Warren story is not about whether she is 1/32nd Cherokee. Questions persist as to why Warren listed herself as Native American, a fact as to which she had no proof until yesterday, only in a publication almost exclusively used by other law professors and Deans during a time...