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Robert Mueller Tag

US District Judge Amy Berman Jackson sentenced Paul Manafort, the former campaign chair for President Donald Trump, to an additional 43 months. US District Judge T.S. Ellis sentenced Manafort to 47 months. That means Manafort will spend 90 months in prison for a total of 7.5 years, "minus nine months credit for time served." Right after sentencing, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., indicted Manafort on 16 charges that Trump cannot pardon him from.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has indicted Roger Stone, a former advisor to President Donald Trump, on seven charges, which include witness tampering, making false statements, and obstruction of justice. It's important to note that he "is not accused of taking part in collusion with the Russian government or of taking part in the theft of emails stolen from Democrats." The FBI raided Stone's home in Ft. Lauderdale, FL, early Friday morning and arrested him. It looks like someone tipped off CNN because the network had cameras at the scene.

President Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani said that his legal team reached out to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office after BuzzFeed dropped a supposed bombshell that Trump told former lawyer Michael Cohen to lie to Congress. Giuliani said that both sides "agreed a significant portion of it was false."

We have been here sooooooo many times before. A media outlet publishes an article based on anonymous sources providing information that is so vague it cannot be proven or disproven, but which purports to (1) implicate Trump in a crime, (2) show collusion with the Russians, and/or (3) raise enough suspicions to justify a 3-5 day news cycle.

Attorney General William Barr said that he plans to tell the Senate during his confirmation hearings this week that he believes Special Counsel Robert Mueller should finish his Russia investigation. From NBC News:
"I believe it is vitally important that the Special Counsel be allowed to complete his investigation," Barr plans to tell the Senate Judiciary Committee, according to prepared remarks obtained by NBC News.

This is a live thread. Refresh for latest developments. Former Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn's sentencing hearing ended early this afternoon. Judge Sullivan repeatedly asked Flynn if he'd like to postpone sentencing, an offer he declined several times. Sentencing was recessed until 12:30 to give attorneys an opportunity to discuss postponement, an offer which they accepted.

On Thursday the IG published a bombshell report regarding the now-infamous anti-Trump sentiment shared between two key members of the FBI and of the Mueller investigation team, Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page. The IG report reveals not only that both Strzok's and Page's iPhones were wiped clean and restored to factory settings by a member of Mueller's team but that Strzok's iPhone was then reissued to another agent for use.

The sentencing memo released by the attorneys representing Trump's former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn called to question the conduct of the FBI agents involved in the initial interviews with Flynn. Flynn was charged with lying to the FBI. Wednesday night U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan ordered Mueller’s team to hand over documents germane to interviews conducted by the FBI in January of 2017 by mid-day Friday.