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The Democratic party of today presents itself as a champion for social justice, the defenders of the little guy, the champions of the downtrodden and oppressed. The reality is that Democrats are now the party of the wealthy elite, who have pushed wokeness on the nation, knowing they will not suffer the consequences of their policies.

A new curriculum in Ontario, Canada is seeking to 'decolonialize' math and will teach that the subject is subjective. This is just the latest example of the left's attempt to inject social justice into a subject that should never be politicized. It's not only crazy, it's completely unfair to the students.

Rising crime and dissatisfaction with the quality of life are steadily driving people out of San Francisco. It makes perfect sense. Why would people want to pay San Francisco prices if they don't even feel safe walking down the street? The number of people leaving or planning to leave should alarm city leaders.

Virginia's Department of Education has release a new set of guidelines for schools that are designed to make life better for transgender students. Despite the fact that transgender students are a small minority, the new policies are going to change life for everyone, including doing away with some things lots of people enjoy.

The Democrats must have internal polling on 'defund the police' that's truly awful, because some of them are already trying to rewrite the history of the issue. With violent crime on the rise in many American cities and a midterm election around the corner, Democrats suddenly don't want to be associated with this at all.

Grammy-winning singer Macy Gray has decided that the American flag does not represent all Americans and needs to be changed, thus proving once again the left's contempt for the United States. The left scoffs at our concern over the destruction and removal of historic statues. They laugh when you bring up cancel culture or voice concerns about rewriting history with the 1619 Project. Then they prove our concerns are valid over and over again.

The post-Trump media environment has been rough on several people, but MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace is watching her ratings sink like a stone. As a former George W. Bush official and McCain 2008 campaign adviser, Wallace is part of the never-Trump Republican cabal now cheered by the left for working against the GOP.

Demand Justice, the progressive activist group headed by former Hillary Clinton campaign aide Brian Fallon, is renewing its calls for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to retire. They desperately want Joe Biden to be able to appoint a younger justice, presumably someone much further to the left.