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Polling Tag

Democrats of Massachusetts, listen up. The special election is all but over. Martha Coakley has won.No need to show up to vote, since DownWithTyranny has pronounced that all polls showing the race tightening are worthless:Many of the pollsters and pundits predicting a Republican win in...

Obama wins New Hampshire primary in a landslide!That was the prediction of the University of New Hampshire Survey Center and most other pollsters prior to the primary. In fact, Hillary Clinton won the primary, causing much hand wringing. This shows us that we need to...

See update to this post: Is SEIU Behind Anti-Brown Push Polling?------------------------------------------------I received this e-mail from a Massachusetts resident and businesswoman (and I verified her identity through publicly available sources), regarding a phone call she received last night:I got an odd call last night that presented...

What is wrong with this picture: We have the most liberal Congress and President ever, who are pushing an equally liberal agenda, yet the country is more conservative than in recent history.Gallup has released its 1992-2009 survey of political self-identification, and the result is that...

The headline in USA Today/Gallup's latest health care poll is that the public, by a 48-46% margin, is against or leaning against the current health care proposal:Forty-six percent of Americans say they would advise their member of Congress to vote for healthcare legislation (or lean...

Obama down 19 points in the Rasmussen strongly approve/strongly disapprove poll just released: H/t Moonbattery, which notes: The approval index stands at an astounding -28 among the independents who were temporarily duped into electing him.Obamunists did say that their messiah would unite us. At this...

Yesterday, Thomson Reuters issued a press release regarding the results of a poll which it says showed that 60% of Americans support a "public option."Needless to say, this poll is being used by supporters of a government-run plan to pressure Congress. SEIU even used the...