Sen. Elizabeth Warren characterized attacks on Joe Biden's nomination of Lisa Cook as “racist, sexist and just plain dumb."...
Krugman: Obama One of the Most Successful Presidents in American History On ABC’s This Week, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman said President Obama is one of the most consequential presidents in modern American history, ranking third behind Presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson. Krugman explained his reasoning by saying that Obama has made important changes to the economy, implemented new environmental policies, and accomplished health-care reform. And on foreign policy, Krugman said, “He hasn’t done anything really stupid and that is a big improvement over his predecessor.” Krugman wrote an article for Rolling Stone magazine noting how his perception of the president has changed, and why he now believes Obama to be one of the “most successful presidents in American history.”Here's the video segment: Krugman recently wrote an article for Rolling Stone Magazine outlining his position:
We all paid for the roads Paul Krugman will drive on to his big pay day....
Since the presidential debate last week I’ve been trying to remember where I saw this movie before, as it were—where a man considered a member of the elite, the cognoscenti, whose brilliance is considered by millions of admirers to be self evident and unimpeachable, got...
Democrats and media helpers like Paul Krugman have been weaving a Tea Party eliminationist narrative for years. As pointed out by James Taranto, it looks like Democrats finally have found an eliminationist narrative they can believe in: Related: Worst. #OccupyWallStreet. Advice. Ever....
The attacks on 9/11 separated the real heroes from the fake heroes. The Fake hero who comforted the grieving and raised a nation's spirits: The Fake hero who kept a city together: The Real Hero who walked barefoot over broken windows: It seems almost in bad taste to talk about dollars...
Paul Krugman has a shameful column today, shameful even by Krugman standards. Is it just me, or are the 9/11 commemorations oddly subdued? Actually, I don’t think it’s me, and it’s not really that odd. What happened after 9/11 — and I think even people on the right...
There is no evidence he wrote this headline, but he could have: ...
Someone created a faux Paul Krugman Google+ account and posted the following: People on twitter might be joking, but in all seriousness, we would see a bigger boost in spending and hence economic growth if the earthquake had done more damage. The message sent out on Twitter...
Because you are going to see an attempt by Team Obama and its friends in the media to blame the sluggish economy and paltry job growth on the Republican refusal to give Obama a clean debt ceiling increase. And it already has started, with Paul Krugman...
That's saying a lot.Unlike the children who run the Democratic Party, Clinton recognizes that Medicare and other entitlements must be reformed, and that the Democratic Party is harming the country by making "do nothing" the main focus of Democratic Party campaign strategy:But ABC News was behind the...
For almost the entire two and one-half years I've been blogging I've had to put up with Paul Krugman accusing Republicans, conservatives and Tea Party supporters of inciting violence through heated rhetoric over policy differences, particularly Obamacare.I've even started a tag for Paul Krugman, which prior...
Paul Krugman (emphasis mine):I don’t watch cable news, or actually any kind of TV news. But I gather that there’s a virtual blackout on the huge demonstrations in Wisconsin, except on Fox, which portrays them as thuggish and violent.What that makes me think of is...
This is a follow up to my earlier post about the findings by a social psychlogist that there is a "statistically impossible" skew in the percentages of social psychologists who self-identify as liberal and conservative, reflecting a pervasive bias against conservatives throughout the social sciences.Paul...
I posted yesterday about Eric Fuller, who blamed Sarah Palin and others for the Tucson shooting by Jared Loughner.Now Fuller has been arrested for making a death threat against a local tea party leader:The meeting room at St. Odilia's Catholic Church on the city's northwest...
Obama's speech at the Tucson memorial was an opportunity thrust upon him, not one of choice.But the tone of the speech was consistent in many ways with the Obama 2.0 we saw during the lame duck session when Obama struck a tax deal with Republicans. ...
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