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Palestinian Work Accident Tag

We have covered numerous examples of Palestinian terrorists blowing themselves up during what are called "work accidents." In some of the cases it's clear that it was a self-inflicted martyrdom, in others it's suspicious that perhaps the Israelis had a hand:

One of our Top Ten "Fun" posts for 2017 concerned Muhammad Hemada Walid al-Quqa, the Hamas explosives chief who accidentally blew himself up. It's what's often called a "work accident." There was just another supposed work accident by another senior Hamas terrorist, who shot himself in the head while inspecting his weapon. Or at least it's being claimed it was an accident.

Muhammad Walid al-Quqa, the explosives chief of Hamas, reportedly blew himself up in what commonly is referred to as a "work accident." The Palestinian Ma'an News Agency reports:
A Hamas fighter succumbed on Sunday to wounds he sustained a day earlier in an “accidental explosion” in the northern Gaza Strip, the Ministry of Health said.