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Operation Demoralize Tag

The ABC/WaPo poll released today is particularly gruesome for Democrats. Biden's "red" speech also was a wake up call and motivator. Maybe the only success of the speech was to awaken sleeping Republican voters....

"The media swarms and lies. Tells you it’s over, wants you to give up. Happens every single time." Don't fall for it. ...

It's hard not to feel that in the run up to every national election the mainstream media and 'progressive' cultural infrastructure gaslight us into believing Democrats are destined to win. Gaslighting is a term I never used to use much before, but it fits;

Things look glum for Republicans in 2018, if you listen to the left and right punditry. The generic ballot sways heavily towards Democrats, Democrats did well in Virginia, and the Alabama Democrat win is claimed to be a precursor of things to come despite the unique circumstances of Republican Roy Moore's downfall.

This race is too close to call. A shift in any state could change the outcome. The Real Clear Politics No-Toss Ups map (Featured Image) has Hillary winning by a few electoral points. She could win by a few, lose by a few, or win by a lot. It's that volatile. Overall, she's up about 3% in national polls. You can't ignore that. I'd rather be up 3 than down 3 any day.

Operation Demoralize, the attempt to convince you that conservatism is dead, that you live in a media cocoon, that you are incapable of learning, and that your pundits lied to you, is dominating the media. But are the quick and easy answers -- just say Yes...

Averaging turnout models over the last four 2-year cycles, gets different results in the polling than the doom being peddled by Operation Demoralize. I don't know if it's right or wrong, but given that Operation Demoralize is in full swing, anything that keeps spirits up for...

It's November 7.  Barack Obama has won.  The Republican presidential strategy has failed.  The media is jubilant.  The right-blogosphere is going through a serious introspection.  The left-blogosphere is dancing on our graves and shoving it down our throats.  Four years of fighting the Obama agenda...

On January 5, 2011, three days before the Tucson shooting, I warned that the mainstream media would mount Operation Demoralize:The mainstream media will undertake, and already has undertaken, a concerted effort to blame the Republican House for everything that goes wrong, for not living up...

The mainstream media will undertake, and already has undertaken, a concerted effort to blame the Republican House for everything that goes wrong, for not living up to promises, for living up to promises, for failing to compromise, for selling out, etc.Do not fall for it.  Holding the...